Enjoying reading everyone's posts about NAS!

For better or worse, I went into the sale feeling good about my wardrobe: allocated right for my lifestyle (majority work wear, followed by weekend wear, and then formal wear) and reflective of my style preferences and my current style: overall, a wardrobe that I love and works for me.

BUT I am always searching for a good black boot - I'm hard on winter boots, and have a hard time finding a good fit for my long feet, narrow calves, and short legs. Although I currently have four pairs of black boots (two dressy, two snow), they're all showing wear despite annual repairs.

Accordingly, my NAS order has been limited to the below items - my return rate is very high for boots, so my hopes are modest. The first two may end up being too tall or too wide, while the third may be too casual, although could be a good replacement for a pair of worn Totes snow boots.

We'll see if something works out - good luck to everyone else on their purchases, and looking forward to seeing other picks!