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How sweet everyone is! Thank you so much all! I realize no one really cares what I wear and we are all dealing with much more critical things right now - but it is nice to lighten the mood or provide some whimsy when we can. Thank you for all your sweet comments and support. I'm thankful for the YLF community - right now and always.
@elpgal - I've been collecting shawls and scarves for over 20 years now, and they are essential to my style - both because I run cold, and because their color, pattern and drama inject some interest into my outfits. Now I buy very few, either at boutiques or secondhand (because the quality is usually better.) But because they are timeless and essential to my style, they have started to pile up!
Love matching mugs and scarves-but would love to see once the back of your hair do in the back, too-for a how to do that dramatic asymmetric cut? YLF Roxanne!