Thanks all!
I'm going to tackle the skin care 1 step at a time - that seems like the best bet. I think I'll start with a cleanser first, and also get some face-specific sunscreen as I don't have any right now.
All - I really would like to do a little experimenting on my own before going to see a dermatologist. The thing is that my skin *generally* is good (no breakouts, blackheads, dry patches, or redness etc.) as long as I don't mess with it.
Peri and others - I'm going to try the CeraVe Moisturizing Cleanser. Yes, you can tissue it off, so that's my plan.
Delurked - I tried the Ponds and it was a fail! Lots of tearing and redness. I also have major issues with bloodshot eyes. I really can't wear eye pencil. Anything that can be rubbed into my eyes is bad. I love to wear mascara and try not to touch my eyes, but it's hard. I'm going to try and find a mascara that is hypoallergenic and see if that works better.
Staysfit - As you suggest, I'm going to try using the CeraVe to wash off eye makeup and see how that goes for now.
SandyG - It seems like we are Celtic skin twins! ...although my reactions aren't nearly as severe as yours, I find that 'messing' with my skin (touching, rubbing) even in a gentle way, leads to the redness problems. Thank you for all the info. I loved reading about your experience. What I'm trying to say is: by all means, go on and on, because I find the skincare topic interesting too.
Suz - I think I'll try that Clinique mascara. I have had good luck with other Clinic products.
I did a bit of experimenting last night and this morning.
Last night, I tried washing my face with water and a facecloth for the first time in years --- terrible results. My skin was very tight, and the moisturizer stung when I put it on. A morning Google leads me to believe the problem might be than I let my skin dry before putting on the moisturizer. So...
This am, I used a facecloth again and immediately applied moisturizer to a wet face. Way better results but again, some stinging. I think the facecloth and abrasion is the problem. I'm going to try just my hands from now on.
I also tried the Pond cold cream on my eyes ---- terrible results. My eyes are still tearing this morning, and one of my lids is puffy. I'm going to try one more time with just my fingers (I was using a Kleenex last night) and if I still have a bad reaction I'll let the Ponds go.