Sorry if being repetetive about wardrobe editing, but when you're on a roll...
Also, I find it helps to do some winnowing and then read something to keep up the energy or encouragement or break through little dams in the process, so maybe it helps others, too.

Another concept that is helping me this go-round is the idea of the safety net.
Elly (sorry Elly, I wrote Ella the first time--iphone typing) alluded to it on my post on cohesion, and then I read some more on Bridgette Rae's blog (which I recommend for organizing junkies).

A lot of my clothing seems to be part of a safety net of some sort--as though I won't have enough variety of cardigans, or this or that top is in multiples so I can wear the same top with different colors, or I might not have enough FFBO's for a busy work season.

The problem of course is not just the safety net factor itself, but that the items are not 10's, or the outfit is not a 10. It would seem that just asking the " 9 or 10" question would be enough.

But for me, the safety net concept is part of the psychology of keeping things, and it seems able override the fab or not fab, because some of the things would be good in another context, but are not working for what I need.

So I'm asking the obvious question, what's the worst thing that would happen if I did not have this? Almost always, the item really isn't the key to some fantastic outfit or style goal or occasion. This is especially with things that are duplicates in some way, not necessarily exact dupes or even color dupes, but similar. And I am finding out that the answer is, nothing bad at all, and more likely something good.