I let my natural gray grow in about 2 years ago. I also use the curly girl method and really like Klorane anti yellowing shampoo. It is silicone, sulfate, and paraben free and leaves my hair soft and silky. I use it every other shampoo and it keeps my grays bright and silvery.

I've been going grey since I was 16, so I've been embracing it for a while lol but it's becoming more visible these days against my black hair

As for CGM, I'm a fellow wavy whose adapted it more to my needs (my hair is fine but I have a lot of it, so the typical 'thick hair' techniques are usually too heavy for me). I'm also very lazy though lol, so the most I do is use a sulphate etc free shampoo, detangle whilst wet, use CGM friendly leave-in conditioner as I scrunch, & then plop into a cotton t-shirt for 20 minutes as I clip my roots & finish up my other skincare stuff.

That's pretty much it lol (like you, wash days take longer but only twice a week - more during high summer humidity). I sleep on a silk pillowcase (tried using a silk bonnet but my hair is too long to contain lol & the elastic around my hairline gives me a headache after a while) & I'll occasionally spray a curl refresh after I wake up, but that's the extent of my haircare now.

It definitely makes your life easier to work with, not against, your hair. No more straightening for me (my mother used to try to convince me that I 'needed' it for special occasions lol).

Oh & since we're sharing products, I use (for fine but dense, low porosity hair):

The Giovanni line for reasonably priced, ecofriendly, CGM friendly shampoo & conditioner (I prefer the hydrating shampoo, because the tea tree version makes my scalp tingle (despite being CGM friendly), & the direct leave-in conditioner).

But my CGM friendly hairdressers also gave me Schwarzkopf's 'Mad About Waves' shampoo as another alternative, with the 'Mad About Curls' conditioner for more moisture & the OSIS+ mousse for when I want to hold my hair in place (it's useful for fixing the curls around my face that sometimes seem to want to curl inwards & poke me in the eye, lol - doesn't feel stiff but still holds well).

As for other products, I just use a tangle teezer to detangle in the shower & a wide toothed denman comb for fixing flyaways/ some errant strands in the mornings. I'll spray some Cantu Comeback Curls Next Day Curl Revitaliser if needed, but sparingly (also not too expensive, drugstore product). I'll admit to sometimes being 'bad' & blow drying if I'm in a rush lol, but I have a diffuser attached to my hairdryer (Remington ProLuxe) which helps.

(Also sorry for spamming lol but also wanted to add that your hair looks fabulous @Bella - the growout looks well blended & suits you! Ok last comment, promise sorry lol)

Echoing what everyone else has said: gorgeous and beautiful.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.

As to product suggestions, thanks, I will look into them. But most of these products are impossible to find in my part of the world. It is part of the reason why I found the information on social media overwhelming at some point. There were all these miracle products, leave-in conditioners, hair butters, mousses, gels, sprays, none of which I could get locally. Very frustrating.

Zaeobi - my routine is similar to yours. I only brush wet, when I am conditioning my hair. Then squish to condish and plop. For styling I use gel and sometimes a mousse, but I suspect the one I have is of no use. I made my own flax seed gel over the summer,and I really liked that. I should perhaps get back into that habit.

So, I checked the local Sephora website. They only carry the Amika nourishing mask. Some Klorane products are available from a local website, but no anti-yellowing shampoo. I found Mad about Curls shampoo, but no conditioner. Cantu brand is not available at all.
So, yes, it is frustrating not to find the right products. I am trying to get my hair to the most healthy place it can be, and not worry about specific products.