All of these outfits are FABULOUS. You definitely have the RIGHT shape for this bomber
What a great find - and in your own closet no less! You look incredible - #3 knocks it out of the park for me.
Very well executed exercise Ingunn, and that bomber is fab on you (nothing off about it to my eye). I am particularly fond of #1 and #2, I sure hope you have some fabulous events to attend where you can wear those. #3 also works well, though I'd like to see the scarf a little looser around your neck or altogether removed; you lose some of the cool bomber neckline the way it is now, but I guess I'm in the minority on this. The oxfords are super with that one. #4 and #5 look great, though I think you could add a sparkly pendant (or a long gauzy scarf) to #5 to punch it up a bit. #6 left looks fab, #6 right does feel a little heavy with the light colors, but you can easily solve that by swapping to black footwear
This looks fab! My fave outfit is the one with the blue dress, though I couldn't pinpoint why exactly...
Thank you, Aida, for your detailed comment. I couldn't agree more. Sometimes an outfit looks better in the mirror than in the photos. That was the case with #3. When seeing the pictures, I wanted to remove the scarf like you suggested. It is probably worthwhile to play with outfit photos, even without posting pics anywhere, to learn how the outfits look from a distance in regards of colors, values and proportions. I started doing this last Summer, and I've really learned a lot from it - in addition to YLF feedback, of course, which is very valuable. I think #5 will remain an experiment, because while adding black footwear will make it work, I would have to keep the jacket on all the time, since removing it would make the shoes seem off. I have other toppers that are better for this combination.

Jonesy, thanks! The blue dress is new, and I love it already.
Ah, Ingunn you make it look so easy. I love them all. WOW -- I swear you have the most ready-for-anything, always appropriate, go-to wardrobe. I want to be like you when I grow up! BTW #1 is my favorite.
what a great topper for you, Ingunn. I just love #3 and 5.
Love them all, but especially love the zig zag!