Thank you, Aida, for your detailed comment. I couldn't agree more. Sometimes an outfit looks better in the mirror than in the photos. That was the case with #3. When seeing the pictures, I wanted to remove the scarf like you suggested. It is probably worthwhile to play with outfit photos, even without posting pics anywhere, to learn how the outfits look from a distance in regards of colors, values and proportions. I started doing this last Summer, and I've really learned a lot from it - in addition to YLF feedback, of course, which is very valuable. I think #5 will remain an experiment, because while adding black footwear will make it work, I would have to keep the jacket on all the time, since removing it would make the shoes seem off. I have other toppers that are better for this combination.
Jonesy, thanks! The blue dress is new, and I love it already.