Thanks Sal, Jonesy, Suz and Runcarla.

Everything is well organised in my new wardrobe. I even have jewellery drawers for the first time in my life. I did do an edit as part of the build, but most of the things I edited out were mistakes that I was soldiering on with, workwear that I finally let go of and items that were worn out/past their prime.

I remember once reading a blogger who said: I love everything in my wardrobe. I thought: how great is that? I think most of us soldier on with at least some items that are less than perfect. I want to get to the “I love everything in my wardrobe” stage too. If I get there, I’m not worried about whether every item is getting worn a lot. It’s the loving it part that’s important.

Thanks Eliza. I agree about bags. And it’s nice to have a story for them too. I think jewellery is similar.

I like that “I love everything in my wardrobe” standard. That’s one of those surprisingly simple benchmarks I need to keep in mind. I love *most* of my wardrobe. I’ve got a few placeholders (old burgundy V-neck top, which I’m trying unsuccessfully to replace…) but mostly it’s items I do love.

What a super fab bag! I love all the outfits with it. I can relate to having a statement-heavy wardrobe and finding it difficult to part with those statements, even if they don't get worn very often. That's kind of the nature of a statement piece, to me: it's so distinctive, I don't want to wear it all the time. I think I'm destined to have a fairly large wardrobe, too. That said, I can and will do some editing, because I don't love everything in my wardrobe. I like that piece of wisdom from you. I will keep in mind: Do I love it? Am I soldiering on with it?

That bag is Fabulous with a capital F, and I’m glad you didn’t edit it out. There are things we all have like this, that are part of our style DNA. I think this bag is too Brooklyn to part with!

Ooh...."am I soldiering on with it?" What a great formulation. I'm going to remember that.

Soldiering on with items versus loving everything in your wardrobe, what a great thing to keep in mind the next time I get stuck with a closet edit. Thanks for the idea!