Well that's the thing about minimalism and less stress, IK. I can't have laundry sitting around unfolded or not put away. Or sheets that are not on the bed. I'm not saying it's the right way for everyone, but it's the way that reduces stress for me. The sheets come off, get cleaned and go back on. On the rare occasion that we do get a mess in our bed, we just strip it and sleep on the mattress with the blanket. I can think of maybe 2-3 times that has happened.
I have an overwhelming urge to just make all area of my life as simple as possible. Like someone said earlier, I find visual clutter very disturbing. And not just nick-nacks and cluttered tables, but patterns and layers of blankets, and colors upon colors, and jam packed shelves. So I think that's why I have pared down so much stuff. I can see the wisdom in having 2 sets of sheets though, but so far it's worked for me.
Sometimes though, I WISH I wasn't as bothered by clutter. Like DH, he doesn't care if a pair of the babies socks are on the floor for 6 days. Me, it drives me bonkers! He doesn't care that the cupboard is so jam packed with his papers he can barely close it. I, on the other hand am constantly getting rid of paper, toys, useless items, etc, just so I don't have to look at them anymore. Minimalism does help lower my stress, but needing to be minimalist is stressful in and of itself. Simple processes keep me sane I guess.