Judy, Dee, I just ordered a pair of Cushionaires

I can vouch for cushionaires fashion forward ness and comfort.

For full on fashion, must wear with joggers and athletic tube socks

I’m so sorry about your foot woes, jaileen. It seems like foot issues come with the territory of aging, but it is no fun.

Recently, my podiatrist made me orthotics, and I wear them with Hoka Bondi 8’s as much as I can. Doing this has helped my feet better tolerate the periods when I wear my other shoes, such as when I go in to the office. Socks with looped terry cloth on the soles have also helped with cushioning my bony feet.

It seems like I have wasted a lot of money buying shoes that felt comfortable at first, only to find them intolerable after I can no longer return them.

I hope you can find some relief.

bj1111, sadly, I don’t have any joggers or athletic tube socks. Not yet, anyway.

Rock, thank you. I was hoping the podiatrist would just give me some kind of orthotic, but instead he said look on Amazon. A friend absolutely swears by Hokas. Last I heard, she had about ten pairs. I’ve been wearing the metatarsal socks everyday and my feet feel fine, and they work with my clogs. But then I’ll have to figure out what works for warm weather. I have several pairs of Bernardo sandals that couldn’t be any flatter or harder.

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It sounds like you want custom orthotics. Can you ask your podiatrist for a referral?

Fingers crossed that the Cushionaires you ordered will bring comfort and joy to your feet.

I can second the suggestion for Altra sneakers. They make two styles with which I am familiar, one has rocker action and the other doesn’t. Rocker action apparently helps when you push off your metatarsals and it seems it would remove some pressure on the metatarsals since they wouldn’t need to push down as hard when you “toe off” while walking. Most running style sneakers have rocker action. I look for shoes that have zero to low drop and no rocker action, but it sounds like rocker action might be useful given your concern. It may be a good question for your podiatrist.

Kinnick, I doubt I’ll need to go back to the podiatrist any time soon. He said I needed to order metatarsal pads from Amazon. I did that, plus I bought a few things from CVS. I’ve been wearing the sock and my foot feels fine. I wanted a magic solution. But it will take experimentation, figuring out what works and what doesn’t, and which shoes have to go.

Dee, thank you for suggesting them. Yes, fingers crossed they work!

Staysfit, thank you for the suggestion. I’ll keep Altas (and Hokas, too) in mind. With Christmas, house guests, travel, more guests, I haven’t had time to systematically go through my shoes. I’ve been wearing my clogs with the sock, and little else. I need to give my hiking shoes a hard look, though, because we’re going on a birding trip in a few weeks.

I wanted a magic solution as well. I never could find metatarsal pads that worked for me and I wasn’t living in an area where I could get custom orthotics. It was very frustrating. I ended up getting super feet and putting them in new balance sneakers that had a huge foam sole and minimal drop. It was a lot of trial and error. While writing this I am remembering how much my feet hurt then and how much better they are now so there is hope. Good luck.

Kinnick, I’m glad you eventually found a solution. I hope to find one too.

Eek, that NYT article… I do a lot of yoga, and have for years. I will pay attention to the forward bends mentioned. If it’s not feet it’s hips. Aging, happy to get to do it but just when you think you’re taking good care of yourself… another study, haha. Also will begin to always rather than just sometimes wear my Taos support slippers around the house. Glad I followed this thread today!

Andi, I had been going to the Power Yoga class and my hip hurt a bit and then I read the article! Naturally I freaked out. Now, I would be more careful about what yoga class I went to. Live and learn.