Love it on you! I adore messy styles. This does look relaxed and fresh.

You made me giggle with the desperate housewives line!

Your hair- and you!- are gorgeous! This looks lperfectly unstyled, if that makes sense.

It's so beautiful. As are you!

Absolutely the ticket. Fantastic!

Nothing desperate about your style. It looks naturally great.

Your hair looks incredible! My daughter (reading over my shoulder) would like me to add that you are very beautiful. In her 10 year old wisdom she added "Some things are obvious but still should be said."

Absolutely stunning! Gosh, you are gorgeous.

Beautiful. I think this nails what you were after. It's freer, more relaxed and modern.

Looks fantastic!

I LOVE your hair and always try to make mine look a bit more messy too. Could you please share any tips your stylist gave and is there any great products that help with achieving this look? Thanks

Awesome!! I love it just like that. I'm looking to make the same shift and I think it's going to be a challenge for me...but you've nailed it!

karymk - wow, wow, wow!! I agree with the above, you totally look like a model!! If this style is not too difficult to maintain it looks totally awesome!! I don't know about "Desparate Housewives" but you are lovely enough to appear on prime time imho!! Enjoy your beautiful cut!!


Your hair looks terrific. I don't know your natural texture, but my wavy hair does well if I just curl and finish the top layer -- and it saves a lot of time. I don't easily get the lift at the crown you have here -- it's just right.

Something to ponder: Your blond shade is beautiful, and it works with your skin. It is, however, kind of "dressy" in itself, if you know what I mean. If your goal is to relax you style, you might consider adding some caramel like lowlights to your base color. In other words, there are colors that seem more casual, at least to my eye. Please don't hear this as criticism of your lovely color -- just another option!

Wow...I wish my hair look like that coming out of bed! Great style, you must love your hairstylist!