Jaileen - thank you. That piece looks super practical and elegant. I'm going to put it on the list and plan for it. Thanks so much for sharing!!
Sterling - I get it. A bit like Northface but I whole lot more refined!! OTOH it you use a piece because of beauty and function, you can bet that others will have come to the same conclusion and they may be rather popular. I think it depends on why you choose it. LIke Northface it you buy it because it's "the thing" that would be pretty sad, but great design and quality are sometimes a difficult combination to find. Being a herd animal is ok, for me, as long as I have something for the right reasons - and this is from someone who likes unique pieces!! But everyone needs to be within their comfort level!!
Gaylene - obviously meant for the "gentlewoman highway man" the "Bonny 'Charlottes'" of NAS and other pillaging and looting activities!!