SHEVIA ooh anytime I can look "marni-esque," awesome!

JANET and LISAP, I would love to see you in boilersuits! I think it just has a can-do vibe that fits with both of you ladies. LAPEDESTRIENNE, that is a beautiful pink one, a turtleneck is definitely the way to winterize. I even think a button-down might work, too, layered underneath.

I'm so glad everyone agrees with the color and the pant length is good enough, eh? FIRECRACKER I do think it could go a little shorter but I am JUST SO LAZY. And having so many problems with fit lately, that I'm sure the minute I hem it, my legs will mysteriously get longer....

Fab to see you Jessikams. You look like you have your mojo back!
BTW your profile still says Beijing.
Are you in Taipei?

Yes Jenni, in Taipei now— forgot to change my profile!

That's a really cool outfit!

Looks great on you!

You look sunny and happy! It’s a super outfit and I’m nodding in agreement on the Marni esque sandals!


You look stinking cute! Good to see you nurture yourself.

Thank you Angie! Your blog has really helped to bring some sunshine this year.

0h wow wow wow ... This is so lovely on you, so modern, fresh and cheerful. YLF!!