Sorry for so much closet-gazing, but have had a recent few days off and used part for fall cleanup, inside the home and out. So there's a theme going.
Recently, gradfashionista talked about her thoughts on possibly tossing out most of her wardrobe in order to get to a new order of things. In my usual cautious way I said, maybe so, maybe no, maybe go slow. As if this were something I could never contemplate.
No, I’m not going to toss out 80 or 90% of my wardrobe, but I will say I have a new appreciation for that thought process. I don't have a goal of tossing out things just to have a "clean slate" and make more mistakes, but I keep seeing more of the purpose behind whittling down further and further if items are not right, and not always keeping them as placeholders.
After I made some purchases I’ve liked, and reorganized my closet and brought some more things together under one roof, so to speak, there is more of a pattern emerging and I’m now looking at things and going, umm, why? Where does this belong in the scheme? There are still a lot of things I have because I think they make an outfit, but now I’m not sure they are making the outfits I need.
Though, I just very happily remixed a black shirt that I was not sure was earning its keep.
My 3-season strategy is helping me , though it is underpinned by more seasonal subdivisions or capsule thinking, loosely. For example, I can look at a group of cardigans and ask (talking to my clothes) do you look good and work hard, or are you a pretty do-nothing? Are you for year-round truly, or maybe do you bring happy spring colors to my dark skirts, or warm fall colors to my gray pants, or what? What is your purpose? Is your purpose to help Goodwill?
Need more boxes!