Hi all! I am finally in my new home (see off topic). Phew!

I have settled in to the point where I believe  I have access to all my clothes and have them either at had or put side due to weather.

First up, I have today's outfit with the Madewell sweater I lemming'd (hi Janet!). My new home can be kept cold enough that sweaters are relevant to my life again; they hadn't really been since the pandemic started. (NB: No full length mirror yet. Next month. I am wearing basic soft lounge pants with it--usually I'd wear jeans but I'm kinda bloated today.)

Second, I am trying on the argyle sweater from Halogen (hi again Janet!). I had to size down, but it's very soft and comfy.

I am not usually wearing such slouchy sweaters these days, but the ability to semi-tuck adds enough structure, and the vibe feels right for cold, snowy pandemic times.

Third, I bought new snow boots from Sorel. I needed them because I had passed on my old Sorels (big, clomp-y Joan of Artics, which were not needed for my lifestyle or our usual winters). Of course, we are now having our first real winter with lots of snow since 2016 or so. I had duck boots on hand, but they weren't cutting it on all the ice in my new neighborhood (smaller-size homes = less consistent sidewalk shoveling). These new Sorels fit very well out of the box and are supportive, cute and great for the snow, wet and ice. The profile is closer to a hi-top sneaker or mid-calf boot, which makes them much easier to wear than the bigger Sorels I passed on. I am not sorry to have made the change, though I am wondering if my Sperry duck boots will be superfluous now.

I am also finding that my loungewear capsule needs an update. Most of what I wore before I moved was t-shirts and tanks, along with lightweight jogger pants. I had some hoodies already that I can now use more, but a new pair of warmer joggers and a long-sleeve tee (see Finds) were also in order. I have two other similar pairs of bottoms already, but I am severely lacking in long sleeve tops. Sometimes in the new home I want something less than a sweater and more than a tee.Previously, long sleeve lounge tops were usually orphans, so I didn't keep too many.

I also found that the ONE pair of flannel pj's I had kept, which have sock monkeys on them, still fit and are great now. I couldn't wear anything like that at all before, except when visiting family. Some of my current pj's may be obsolete, depending what temp we keep the house at in the summer. I will probably seek out one more pair of flannels for now. My lounge clothes must be separate from my bed clothes, due to cat dander, so this is really a separate category for me. (My cats don’t sleep with us.)

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