I got cold feet and sent the LOT back -- including the vest. The vest I feared would not provide real warmth (and it is quite heavy due to hardware-- so not the best travelling item). And the jacket really did feel "Peptol Bismol" to me -- it's a shame, because IRL it is just a fraction "off" for me, and as an outer layer vs. an inner layer I just don't want to keep it. Not at that price. (The J. Crew tee is also imperfect -- in the "too strong/ too neon" direction vs. too warm/ flat ...but it's mostly worn under a topper and in summer -- when my skin will have more warmth -- so I was more willing to compromise there.)

But I LOVED the style and hope Zara will reproduce in a different colour -- sometimes they do that, with small variations.

I also sent back the North Face raincoat from the other day. It is really good...but....not inexpensive. And I still have a waterproof rain jacket that I can use for now in the mountains. True, it's more obviously gear and it's less versatile. But it's actually more practical for hiking, even if I don't care for the colour (a hot pink that -- once again! -- isn't "my" pink, but is "passable.")

Meanwhile, I can look for another at my destination, where gear stores are thicker than spruce needles on the ground.

I have decided to shop for:

  • Waterproof rain coat (if needed)
  • Swimsuit
  • Indoor running shoes
  • Backpack

AT my destination, to save myself from having to carry it all there. Prices will be the same (or less) and I don't have to make a hasty decision.

I was wondering what you'd decide. I had a color issue, again, with things being hot pink instead of bright berry. I'm also returning.
Better to hem and haw for a few days and hand wring than stare at it in the closet for months or years to come!

Onward and upward! You'll find what you're looking for! I passed a Forever 21 today and nearly stopped in just to see if they had Jen A's blush moto - but I passed by

Just a note about gear, I don't know about in Canada, but the in US for me it's almost always cheaper to buy the same item of gear online with coupon codes etc. than in a gear store (after I've tried it on and it's fit well in a store). If you have something that will work, I'd maybe make a note of the coat you liked and if it goes on sale in the future you can consider it then.

If you were in the US I'd say try Sports Authority, not a gear store - more team sports, but they have big sales on NorthFace all the time.

Also I think it's good to wait and see what the environment is really like, you will probably need something you didn't anticipate, and not need something you brought. Either way it won't matter and you'll no doubt have a great time!

I think it is a brilliant decision, Suz! Here I keep my fingers crossed for more luck in local shopping.
Have a nice trip!

Rabbit, great tips, thank you! I think maybe you have better options for online gear in the US than we do here -- here the prices are pretty standard everywhere (except for manufacturer's sales or store closeouts). BUT -- I actually live close enough to the border and have one of those US address thingies, so if I know what I want I can scout sales and order it and then just go pick it up.

Meanwhile, you are right -- chances are I might need different stuff than I anticipate and now I have just saved a pile of money in case I have to make an emergency purchase!

Glad you were able to make your decision and not look back, Suz! I always ask myself, If I buy this, will I want to see it in my wardrobe day after day? If the answer is no, then it's time to return. :^)

Gigi, that's a great way of looking at it. And that's pretty much what happened. I stared at the pink jacket hanging in the closet and it just didn't sit right with the other stuff there. I'm a bit sad because style-wise it was a complete winner for me, and if the pink had been just a bit softer/ paler/ cooler it would have been exactly right. Ah, well.....

You are a inspiration in discipline Suz!

I'm also thinking what an inspiration you are in practicing PPP.