These items are my first NAS purchases (plus one to come in another post). Sorry the details are hard to see. I haven't found a good picture taking spot except for the front stoop, and I can't see myself posing in front of "God and everybody" in a puffer and boots in August. Bad hair, too!

1, 3. Blondo boots. I definitely need some versatile, waterproof boots. I'm not sure how I feel about the texturized shaft on the Blondos - are these ok with skirts? It may just be my ingrown big toe nail talking (and then I dropped a full dresser drawer on it!), but I think I may need to size up a half size. Did anyone else need to do that? I always wear 7 or 7.5, and these are 7.5. Would these stretch at all? I'm worried about fitting winter socks in there.

2, 3. Metro Down & Wool Blend Coat. Another need is a winter coat. I love wool but hear I'll need a puffer - hopefully this is a good compromise. Husband thinks this might be a smidge big, but I need room for a sweater. I love military styling but am always put off a bit by the bright gold-tone buttons. Could I get away with silver or steely grey buttons on this? This seems like a great coat, especially at the sale price. It has hidden stretchy cuffs to keep out the cold and wet.

I'd love any comments, criticism, and suggestions. I intend to wear these pieces about a bazillion times each (and often together) this winter, so tell me now if I'm making a mistake!


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