You look chic and HAPPY! KEEP KEEP KEEP!!!

I vote keep. I love the sleeves.

Hi Rae,
Super cool citron goodness.
Looks great to me! I'm glad it worked out!

You love citron and citron loves you, cropped or long. I'm so glad you found each other and I say Yay!

You love it, it's your colour, and it's a signature shape for you, too. Enjoy!!! Wear the heck out of that bit of sour sunshine.

Keep! It works beautifully with everything you posted!

Thank you so, so much to everyone who commented on this thread! Especially those who were not in love with it, thank you so much for giving your detailed explanations. It was really, really helpful.

I think all the Nay comments mentioned the cropped length, and I think I attribute that to crops traditionally being reserved for skirts and dresses. Most all the retailers have been styling the jacket with jeans, though, so I think maybe it could be a matter of adjusting the eyes. Although I must say I'd love to wear it half-zipped with a dress, too. In any case, it has very much helped me to see what works and what doesn't!

In the end, I think I will keep it! I noticed that those with the most similar styles to mine said to keep, so that helped me weigh the votes.

Thank you again for putting up with the long search!

I didn't even open thumbnails yet or read any responses, but my total knee jerk reaction is KEEP.

Yayyyy! Late to the party! But glad you are keeping it! *doing a happy dance for you*

I was one of the naysayers, and Rae, my style is not very much like yours--I tend to be a very conservative, classic dresser. So you are correct to take my observations with a grain of salt. :^)

It may very well be a matter of adjusting the eye. I am a late trend adopter (read: stick-in-the-mud).

Enjoy your new jacket!!!

LOVE IT!!!! The colour and style is gorgeous on you!!! So glad to see you're keeping it.

I love it. It looks great on you.

Okay, my impression having just looked at the photos and not having read comments yet is keep! Keep! Keep! I think it looks great on you and I love how you've styled it. It seems to work perfectly with all of the goals from your earlier posts. I looooove it with gray. So there. Now off to read others' comments and see if I'm in with the in crowd or a complete (positive) spanner!

ETA: Looks like nearly everyone loves it. Total win, Rae!

Late to the party. I am glad you are keeping it. I think it's a great piece and in your signature color.

My only reservation is that I don't think it works as well with a semi-tucked top as without. In a few of the pictures (I think the second and third one) you are wearing a semi-tucked grey top. The somewhat complex nature of the jacket, combined with the color mixing and semi tuck is a lot for the eye to take in. So I prefer the jacket with the top at full length as shown in #1.

It looks amazing with the asymmetrical dress (or skirt?), that is my top favorite. You must wear that to work, it creates a modern, striking and confident figure.

The semi tuck might work if you are wearing a tonal look head-to-toe under the jacket.

I'm glad you're keeping it. It's a very cool piece in a very cool color and it's very "you."

I'm late but that color is perfection on you and cropped is a versatile style. I voted Yay.

Are you kidding me? KEEP. No question. Signature color and you look fantastic in it. OMG #4. Killer. What is that dress? HL?

I'm late to the thread but I'm so glad you're keeping this. It's perfect on and or you.

I think it is a winner for you. I much prefer it with the column of color or at least not too high contrast colors under it: I feel that this way the jacket takes the center stage as it should.

Sorry my input is late! But just like to chime that I love it on you! I love the citron color and the cropped length - I love it with the black dress best but it works great on all the others too!

Thank you so much for the continued detailed responses!

Denise, I am right there with you. I will add that I am finding I like it best with darker tops for a more contrasting center column. The gray tops make my top half feel like a wide expanse of light color.

Re: #4 - the "dress" is actually a $1 Michael Stars tank from the flea market with a $15 twist skirt from Forever 21! Total HL ripoff, but one I can afford.
Mine is gone from the web, but this one is similar.