As per Part 1, I recently decided I loved and needed more full skirts. I reach for skirts a lot and find them easier to wear and easier to fit.

Of course, once I decided this, my sole source for these skirts in an appropriate length for me went to 60% off and I panicked and bought way more than I probably should have.

So I am begging help! I would like to return items tomorrow at lunch so I have a fresh slate for making NAS decisions when they arrive

Pictures 1-4 - White full skirt. I loved it in theory, and this is a good one with thick fabrication and lining so you can't see my dark undergarments (worn on purpose to see if you could!) However, I wonder if I should just stick with white trousers. Not sure any of these tops are as fab with the skirt as they are the white jeans and dress pants I already have.

Pics 4-6 - Full skirt in a pin dot pattern. I had a hard time pairing pieces with it as I was unsure how to match it. DH commented that it looked a bit like a 1950s housewife pattern . . . That may be enough said!

Again, are either of these worthy contenders? Should either, both or neither earn a spot in my wardrobe.

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