Not in but I will be cheering you all from the sidelines with Angie! I need to stock up on more S/S things (desperately need to continue updating to my correct size) while I love everything available; not looking forward to fall TBH, very much not into the 90s aesthetic that keeps popping up *sadface*

I'm in the same boat as Mary. I'll be writing some big checks the end of this month to pay for our new home and some of the things we need around the move.

I'm not too tempted by what is in our local stores, and once I'm relocated there will be new shopping venues to explore. Besides, it is only just starting to warm up and this is maybe the second week I've dipped into my warm weather shopping my closet for June it is!

I am also in. I have added enough new items and should be sorted for the summer since I had plenty to start with. This gives me incentive to save for NAS (already starting my list of wardrobe holes for the fall).

Not in, though wishing you all of you all the best.

As of my next paycheck, my clothing budget should be finally in the black again. Since December I have been waiting for it to recover after buying an expensive pair of orthotic shoes! I have only bought a few small things with my spending money, and spent a voucher on gear. And I am only just now spending my birthday money. So not SYCing any more.

Mind you since I have bought my casual jumper, and have a pair of SE Trinas on the way, there is only one more thing that I have thought about getting for winter, and haven't found (a long sleeve colour block mixed media top, long enough to wear as a tunic). I could do with upgrading my belts and getting a new bra, and once I start my new job, I may want something new to fit in there. And I would like to upgrade my black and buy a white layering top.

Otherwise I have stuff on my list for Summer and since I have really been stinting there for a few years there is some room for action!

Sorry I have turned this "Just say no" into a "my shopping list" post!

Great idea! I had sort of made up my mind to do this anyway, and I'm so happy to share support in a like-minded group. I'm in! I I have everything I need and would love to save my shopping dollars for fall goodies.

Count me in too Mo. My recent Eileen Fisher purchases have rounded out my summer wardrobe nicely and I can honestly say there isn't anything I need.

I can't be in but will cheer on those who are! April was a SYC month for me (and I was very good), and I still need some seriously basic s/s items as I build my wardrobe (white pants and white shoes--really seriously basic!) But I'm determined to not stray from my list.

Most years , yes, but this year I am behind as I didn't want to order and have packages arrive while on vacation. There are things I hope to find in the next few weeks. Good luck with your Just a Say No June.

Technically, I should really join you, but I'm still struggling to find things I can wear to work - dresses with sleeves and length... ugh.

Mo, you've inverse-inspired me: to shop in June. Last purchase had been second-hand BR trench in ...January? Yesterday I bought a smallish vertical crossbody, black leather, silvertone hardware, vintage Coach. We'll see yet how well it fills that gap. June could be my month of enforced shopping.

Anyone have tips for disciplining oneself *to* shop?

Well I'm a little bit torn on this challenge. There are some fashion seasons that I really don't get excited about with the new items that are out there and I buy very little - but this season there are so many things that I love! All the way from the colors (think pink), the sneakers that are worn with regular street clothes, the other sporty vibes like baseball caps and backpacks. And then there's the midi skirts! I means we knew about them trending 2 years ago - but just this season now have they finally hit mainstream stores. And on and on and on. I have 2 things on order right now and I do not have any plans to buy anything else this month - UNLESS I finally find a citron green handbag and/or a cream ivory Clutch. These two items are HEWIS so I reserve the right to purchase them if they miraculously appear in the month of June. But other than that - oh wait, one more thing I want (actually need) are a pair of basketball shorts. I purged 4 pairs of shorts just a few weeks ago and replaced one pair with a pair of walking shorts from BR. So other than a citron green handbag, a creamy soft ivory clutch, and a pair of basketball shorts - I'm in!

I am definitely joining you in 'working your wardrobe hard'!

But I have commitment issues...... Bwahaha!

I'm in! I have more than I need for the season, and if anything, I'll save up for fall instead. I have extensive travel plans in July, too, so I need to allocate more of my budget for that. Great idea, Mo.

Not in this time. I'll be in Paris later today and London next week. Hoping to find some things I wouldn't find in Atlanta. In Zurich now. Nothing I had to have from here (although, the pop-up ads on my tablet are now in German and showing some pretty cool things). Will definitely be cheering everyone on though!

Whoooop! Happy shopping, Carter! Look forward to seeing your purchases!!!!

I'm in as well. To re-enforce this, I will commit to avoiding all shopping sites (with the exception of YLF). No more Gap. No more Nordstrom. No more anything (for June).

Sterling - I am with you on not even looking at the websites.

I am mostly in. I want to look at this as an opportunity to re-assess. I do have 2 things on order that I really hope work out.

I am going to do an inventory of my items and I want to snap a quick photo every day of what I wear. After my inventory is done and I know what I *need* I may possibly buy something on my list the chances of this happening are very slim. I rarely find anything that I like and I rarely go to the stores that are 45 minutes away. When I do go to the stores I will not bring any money into the stores. If I see something I like I will walk back to the car to get the money which gives me more time to re-asses.

How is that for non-committal!

Hey, it's okay to not be 100% certain. There isn't going to be a test at the end LOL. It's more a purposeful choice to slow down, get off the hamster wheel of searching and procuring, and wear what's in there already hanging.
I often think I need a, b, or c when in reality I am not wearing what I think I am. I only started scratching down on paper what I've been putting on since my birthday, and shorts and tees win by a landslide. Skirts are way behind and dresses only got 2 wears so far. Taking the time to assess what is and then figure what I might or might not wear or need is the idea for me. Sure, I want to slow down the influx for the year, to better get back in line with my numbers goal, but a break now and then just to S T O P is I think a valuable tool.

I think it's brilliant writing down what you're actually wearing and seeing what your true needs are. I did this mentally a while ago when I started my big purge and search for comfort - but writing it down is even better. And it is so easy to get caught up in the "hamster wheel" as you put it. Time to step off and enjoy my things. Thanks for the incentive

Mo - I kinda need a test

I think I'm in. I really shouldn't buy any new clothes before I start needing proper maternity clothes anyway.

I'm in also. Unless I break over a beautiful hat. I have everything I need and I don't wont to be wasteful. There are so many summer fest going on in Chicago I just want to have a little extra cash for these events.

Some incentive??? Remember ladies, Nordstrom Anniversary sale is in July. I am saving my pennies.

Thanks Mo, I too would LIKE to be in, but it will probably be July.
Lots of June Sales here in Oz at the moment.

Funny- I have enough left in the 2014 budget to buy around 14 items, but with '1-in-1-out' there are only a handful of things I would consider purging right now.

I'm having the same dilemma as LynD - the end-of season sales are on, and it seems rude not to go! I don't actually need anything at the moment though. I was just thinking this week how much I love my clothes and how I can't see any wardrobe holes, so I think I need to bite the bullet and stop giving in to the desire to own every beautiful thing I see.

I can't say no to shopping in June because that ship has sailed! Plus, I have a wedding to attend in two weeks and I would like a nice dress (notice I didn't say I needed a nice dress). Since I don't get a paycheck in July and August, it will be a no shopping July and August - well, until Nordie's Annual Sale, that is!

OK, maybe a no shopping July and August.

Well, it should be a no shopping July and August.

Should be