Oh, well maybe I like JCrew after all, lol. I love everything. The sailor pants are a huge yes. The ruffle gingham and heavy pattern mixing are enlivening. The jeans and sweater subtle - they look good too. And honestly, you're a knockout in the pencil and tee. Incredibly fresh on you.

I think you should get the sailor pants in 4 and wear with the Saint James sweater (which is divine on you!). It's a very nautical outfit but fabulous and both pieces look so great on you.

I love the heron tee and the skirt with the ruffle in the smaller size. Actually you look pretty smashing in everything, including the Derek Lam jeans, but the skirt and tee are my favourites on you.

You HAVE TO keep the sailor pants. Killer Deluxe. Can't really see a difference in the sizes in the pics, though.

My goodness!!!! 5, 7 and 8/9 rocked my world! Fantastic mixes!

I may need help figuring out how to style the sailor pants if I keep them.