Do know what Anna, FWIW I love your threads and love your style and you are great inspiration as are ALL the people on here I also have stopped 'watching' members as I want to look at everyone threads.
I never get mentioned in those threads either To be honest though I don't really think the topic of who we want to emulate/ style crush etc should even be brought up. There are always those that don't get mentioned and end up feeling hurt. So perhaps they aren't such a good idea after all.

I am another Fabber who doesn't necessarily 'follow' you- but I certainly know who you are and how you dress, and admire your individual style.

I'm too new here to really say I've got style crushes, but I will say that seeing your "upping your commuting game" post with the floral bomber convinced me that I need one for myself. Haven't found the right one yet, but I've tried half a dozen on!

Is that inspiration? I do love your style.

Your budget makes a lot of your finds unattainable for me, but I certainly love seeing how you put outfits together. Your climate, colouring, and situational considerations means that a direct copy wouldn't work most of the time either but I do get inspired.

I don't think you would want a bunch of people copying you...this is totally my read on it, but I think you kind of like being a vanguard and ahead of the curve. You seem to get bored of something right around the time it starts getting fringe-mainstream (although YLF mainstream I think is still fringe for most of the rest of the world!).

I have said this before and I will probably say it again, but I think equating quantity of comments with validation is just sad-making. People post or don't post for all sorts of reasons that are impossible to articulate.

As for cheerleader threads, I think maybe they work better as PMs directly to the person(s) involved?

As above... well, yes!

For me, even if not generally, expense is not the key factor even.

You're like Nikichicki... even at different price points, I can't hope to emulate you guys because you're a lot more high-octane than I have the gumption for! It's not just that you are fashion forward to the max, though that (like budget) contributes. It's that you are so creative in your combinations, so gutsy, so playful... that it is like the Everest climbing hobbyist held up as template to the first-time corporate marathon rookie. Uh, too far ahead on that road to even go there!

And while you may argue it is unattainable specifically for me because of budget constraints and the fact that I'm still learning to put proportions and colours together without looking like a mess, I suspect this is true of even many advanced YLF icons. They wouldn't be able to attain your style even with budgetary and lifestyle constraints removed. You are not in the position of leader of the pack...because you are the more highly individual lone wolf. It is not possible to hold both those positions.

Now your attitude of fun, fearless fashion sense and habit of shooting straight from the hip---that I want to emulate! I hope that is rather more attainable.

anna, i love your style. i use your posts as a guide to how to translate fashion trends into real life. but, to be honest, your lifestyle is completely different then mine, you dress primarily for your non work hours, were as i dress primarily for my work day. it doesn't mean that i don't admire what you wear and how you wear it, it just isn't always appropriate for my real life

Anna- if you need data count the average number of responses you get from people to your EVERY post plus how often Angie gives your thoughts personal and detailed attention.
You took offence when people referred to budget and value for money when it was not about cost or salary as much as what people are prepared to spend on clothes. I understand I think, because at your age I also had the kind of expensive wardrobe you have. Age and change have moderated that, very fun habit, but for the better in my happiness factor vastly.
I agree with people's feedback about you being a central character in YLF and your separate pieces are awesome. Crises of confidence by any chance?
You are clearly a one in a million and I am not talking about your clothes- that is after all, packaging with multiple functions. Yep- you asked. Get over it!! I mean that constructively.

I love your style and enjoy your looks even though our styles and pocketbooks vary dramatically. You stand out in a very big way here on the forum and hope you find inner joy with what you create.

Well you know I love your style - I've even PM'd you about it. And although your style may not be attainable, it does not mean it isn't admired. We all have budgets, sizes, accessibility to designers/stores, work outfit demands, lifestyles, etc. that determine how we can dress.

I personally do not name style crushes on these types of threads for precisely the reason that anyone not named may potentially feel hurt and left out.

As I said on another thread, EVERYONE here has something to offer. And even when it's a completely different style from my own, I can always learn from that person's post.

To respectfully answer your question in a word - yes. For me, your style is unattainable because it is yours and not mine and I'm not looking to attain anyone's style other than my own. Am I inspired by people? Absolutely. But I am not looking to attain anyone's look specifically and that's a good thing, right? I don't expect you to dress like me or be inspired by me, I'm just here to push myself to new and good things for myself. If I happen to do that for people...great! Otherwise, I have to happy with what I am doing for me.

I will ask you a tough question in return - are you giving back to the Forum in the same way that you are expecting the Forum to give to you? Are there people on the Forum who inspire you to try and do new things with style and are you letting them know? Even if someone's style doesn't inspire you, are you giving feedback that is positive and/or constructive? I'm not here as much as I'd like, so I'm asking these questions off the top of my head - not because I have any kind of agenda. It's the kind of questions I ask myself when I'm expecting something from the Forum that I don't receive. Ultimately, I am always asking myself - why am I here? So philosophical, I know - but I'm here for me and my own growth. What about you?

What Ceit said.

I love your style, and always enjoy your outfits, even if I could not wear them exactly as is.

People have posted much of what I was thinking. I will add that I think people who currently post almost every day are more likely to get named in those threads (I'm not going to go back and do a statistical analysis though!).
Anna, you post a couple of times a week at most, correct?
Zap, I really don't feel that I have a sense of your style. And while I am a relative "newbie" I have been on the forum 6+ months at this point. How many WIWs have you posted in that time? I'm vaguely aware you used to post more and many people admire your style but I don't feel *I* have seen it, unless I have just missed your posts for some reason.

I didn't get into the style crush thing (I believe there were two threads recently). I don't love that type of thread on ANY forum because it can lead to people feeling left out and that sucks when you have a nice community going on. The community here is amazing and is the best thing about this forum, and I am saying that as someone who doesn't participate in it that much (by choice, I certainly feel that people have been welcoming and I could become more involved in that aspect).

Jules, that is good to know. I really can't tell you how much I've posted in the past 6 months off the top of my head. In all honesty, I no longer have as much time available to commit to YLF as I used to. I hope that changes soon. I hate to start threads and not tend to them, therefore, I much rather not post. I guess you could go to my profile and click on my posts, if you are ever in the mood to check my WIWs. In Anna's case, since this is not my thread a-hum, I think her opinion is based on 5 years of participation. I know she goes thru phases where she would post more WIWs, we all go thru cycles.

LOL! Well, you've got me at least! Our styles are different, but I do feel very inspired by your style and try to incorporate things that you do into my own style. Your outfits train my eye so that I can identify very fashion forward trends and look for interpretations that work for me. And I'll confess, when you compliment an outfit I wear, I remember it because I think you have a phenomenal eye.

Zap, I do understand that some people are coming at it from a long-term view and have had cycles of participating/not participating... but do you/they realize that many of the other people currently contributing regularly are relative "newbies"? I believe Angie and Greg have mentioned that forum use has skyrocketed recently and the community is growing exponentially.
For example, when Anna asked "is it worth it?" about a particular garment, was everyone replying supposed to know her budget, priorities, interests and buying history? To me, if that was your expectation Anna, maybe that was based on a time when the forum was much smaller. I felt similarly about your post asking why people didn't give you specific suggestions when you asked for outfit ideas. To expect forum members to keep track of EVERYONE's closet is a lot at this point in time. To expect people to be keeping special track of YOUR closet is possibly egotistical, or just not keeping up with how big the forum has become, how quickly threads drop off, etc.

I can't answer that question honestly because I may be jaded by my professional setting. My job and job setting are huge influences on how I dress. I develop and wear work capsules. None of what I see you wear would fit into those conservative capsules. As a consequence, I have less interest in your outfits because at this point in my life I can't use them to gain personal style insight.

So the question is, if work did not so wholly influence me and my choices, would I view your outfits differently? I very well might.

I take a little from a lot of forum members, some of whom have very different style than my own. I really enjoy taking all kinds of things and interpreting them in a way that plays well in my closet. I think we share love for the small details of an item. And really great shoes.

I don't think this is a newbie vs. veteran issue Jules. That's what the search feature is for. One can find anything if so inclined. The information is there! If I think I need some background or some knowledge about a person's style, to provide a response, what I do is go back and check their prior posts. Some members even have YLF blogs, it does not get any easier than that.

Anna, I love your unique style and enjoy your WIWs but would never even attempt to copy your style. You open our eyes to lots of style trends and make it fun.

For me, absolutely! I don't think you would like to see a 53 year old copy your style!

I have mentioned style crushes when I was responding to someone's post I would tell them they were one of my idols. I would never mention the other ones...never publish a list of whose style I aspire to for myself...for fear of hurting the feelings of whoever I didn't mention.

Now I'm wondering if even doing that is hurtful? I can't see tell someone you admire them is surely okay. So if people do this, I doubt the intent is to exclude anyone else. I just imagine your style is less mainstream than most and it seems that is intentional.

That is an interesting question to ask, as turning it into a statement, it could be part of a style descriptor or aspiration for many of my fashion forward peers . You are unlikely to have the "fashion masses" nipping at your heels and that is part of what makes your style unique and compelling. Not seeing yourself coming and going appears to be part of the fun, as it is for most innovators I know (in whatever form their avant-garde efforts take).

There are many ways that people can inspire each other, including providing windows into worlds they don't inhabit for whatever reason. You have introduced me to designers and options that wouldn't otherwise have crossed my path. I appreciate that and all the sharing that goes on at YLF.

To admire a person's style is completely different than to try to attain it. A lot of people have commented that your style is unattainable to them because of the budget constraints. But i know for me, even if I had the budget, I would not be able to attain your style as I lack the confidence and personality that goes with your wonderful style.
It is true for a lot of other forum members also. I really admire their style but do I want to attain it? That depends on so many factors like personality, age, lifestyle and the style descriptors.

Wow, I did not expect an avalanche of thoughtful responses. This has been very enlightening.
I think RoseandJoan (Jules, Julie? I forgot your real name) nailed it, work has been a real bugaboo, and I think this is making me extra sensitive. Right now I don't have a lot of control in my life. About the only thing I consistently count on is my fashion.
As far as commenting on others posts. I realize I have a very specific biased style filter. I do not have Angie's expansive eye for all aspects of fashion. So if I find a look that doesn't appeal to me I stay silent than be negative. Occasionally I try to pinpoint very specific advice. I can be hugely blunt at times, so I know only a few posters can take it. I try and sometimes fail to temper my response. When things are slow I try also to comment on threads that don't get a lot of responses, though as of late this is rare.
I no longer validate my existent on the number of comments on my outfits, I instead try to focus on the quality of the comments.

Anna by now you've seen that many people on YLF care about your posts, your style and you whether they want to emulate it or not. Some (me included) may be intimidated by the labels and budget for some items, others may not be able to translate things that you admire that don't literally translate to their style, but this is such a great and diverse community, that's what makes it so amazing. I find inspiration in many of your posts. I am tickled that I own boots you once owned (like I'm not worthy of this connection to coolness when I'm just a preppy MOTG working in a conservative office). Keep up the great choices and let me live vicariously through your posts!

I find your style fascinating - it surprises and delights and occasionally perplexes me. Your creativity and spirit shines through.

I don't specifically try to emulate anyone - I appreciate YLF for getting me out of ruts and helping me be less staid in my fashion. I'm someone who processes intuitively, so I don't always know how directly people's examples manifest in my choices.

Here's what's funny: a couple of weeks ago I wore an outfit and thought "well, this feels a little bit Anna!" But I was too self conscious to post it because my version of your style is like 10% as smart. And NOW I can't remember what the outfit was. Sigh.

Anna: One of the things that keeps me at YLF is the blessed fact that not everyone is like me. It is occasionally the most dissimilar members that help me "see outside the box" as I'm working on my own style. You're one of those. You take risks that I don't, but I find that refreshing.

I sometimes stick to positive but general comments on posts because I'm not always sure that the more "fashion forward" of YLFers would consider me to have an "educated opinion." Perhaps this is my own insecurities surfacing (we all have them). I fear appearing as a poser. Nonetheless, I learn from other members, from you, and from Angie, everyday.

Anna let me bluntly say this : I think you need a hug.
I understand how we can get hurt feelings even when there is no reason to.
Honestly, the kind of posts you are referring start with good intentions but are tricky and end up hurting people. I guess we live and learn and if I ever did comment on one of those I won't again.
I like your outfits and your style the same way I like your blunt answers. It is a complete package that is very interesting and I am sorry to live so far away from you because I sure would like to meet you.
I don't find that your style is unattainable , and my style , for various reasons, is very different from yours.
It bothers me when people talk about the prices of what you buy, when people tell you to 'tone down' the way you dress, but we all say stuff we shouldn't from time to time. And sometimes people also forget to mention you when they should.
You and your fashion sense are marvelous just the way they are and a post is just a post, it doesn't validate you in any way.

Good question- as somebody put it, Anna...Do you give as much as you expect from the forum, and what are you really expecting from it?

I cannot relate to your (otherwise) fab style as am located over the sea, more older, conservative, have completely other life circumstances, budget, fashion goals/availability and connaisence.

I use to show your posts to my DD(16) when it comes to trends and avantgarde fashion!:-) so thanx for posting them!
Besides admiring your fab brands and outfits from far, I would only comment if I have the time and find something appealing for my own self and circumstances, too.

Hope my answer is attainable for you, too!:-)

Anna: I am not going to say anything you haven't heard. Your style is terrific, but it is so far away from my comfort zone I can only enjoy it from afar. Combine that with our very different budgets, lifestyles, and climates, and we have very different needs. I lean hard towards modern classic. You are very cutting edge. I do enjoy seeing your choices.

I think you can really start to make yourself crazy with this sort of thinking. I've certainly had my moments, but I recognize them as being more about me than they are about the person I'm projecting them on, and I move on.

Just to illustrate my point, I remember when Anna was brand new to this forum. I've been around a rather long time. I'm pretty sure I've never been listed on anyone's favorite list, or most inspired by. In fact, I was pretty keenly aware of the single positive outfit comment I got from Anna herself. At times I've noticed someone posts on another wiw and not mine and I've thought to take it personally, or as a slight insult, and then I've just flipped it around to think about what I'm looking for, what I'm contributing, and how I behave. I'd say 100% of the time that I feel inclined to take something personally here, I realize it's just that I'm feeling tender and looking for something to justify those feelings.

I know for a fact that there are certain members here whose style resonates with me, and others whose style doesn't speak to me. I don't see anything wrong with that, or anything wrong with even verbalizing that I'm inspired by a particular member.

Maybe the question here is whether or not being attainable or inspiring is a priority of yours. Is it even something you wanted or worked towards? Or did it only occur to you when the topic came up and you weren't included?