Maybe this is just a personal mental shift, but I feel so inspired and creatively inclined going into spring, and seeing all the fun new styles available at retail. It's like the clouds have finally lifted!

70's patterned co-ords! Fun jean styles available in a rainbow of colours! Lots of new silhouettes, textures, bright colours, soft tones.

I want to go on a serious shopping spree! I want to buy it all!

Then I stop my self and remember that my wardrobe is already bursting at the seams. I haven't gotten around to wearing a lot of the pieces even a handful of times. I bought five pair of (equally, at the time, fun and new) jeans last season, and I only wear one of them. ALL THE TIME.

So. Friendly reminder to my self to take account of my real life, real style. Not my fantasy life (that's soooooo fun to shop for).

So I will not be buying the fun and glitzy outfits that I swoon over. I will appreciate them on others (and figuratively drool over them online and in stores).

Yeah. That was basically it. I felt I needed to vent. Thanks for listening!

What about you all? Do you feel more positive going forward? Will you be doing retail therapy? A little or a lot?

(Outfits from H&M, Zara, and others, sorry can't make finds by phone).

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