Having now read about Faith Popcorn, well spotted bj111, that was what I was getting at I.e. The Truman Show. She is called a futurist as if she were Nostrodamus but she is behind the camera: future forecasting, like The Devil in Prada.
The Anna Wintour story makes it look very much as if she (as caste) decides, from some personal marketing aesthetic, what is to be successful/desirable and she tells the designers what to create.
The cyclic nature of the last 100 years fashion can't be random, can it? Can we see men returning to wearing frilly bloomers to do serious business talking? The cycle is ever decreasing. Must be about time to start throwing in a sartorial neckline again soon?
I love fashion as Art but, for us commoners at least, we are the market, the gullible, insatiable market that generates unbelievable profits.
Just a rant on pet topic, but you can blame OldMT for starting that. Long live fashion, heil.
Angie, are there any resonance with your experiences here?