You are practically unrecognizable in the photo, perhaps that stunned me into speechlessness. The background is different than your usual, for one thing. Lighting too. Hair is very different. Then add the oversized shirtdress-- which blurs all distinction of your form underneath. We just see your skinny limbs.
There's an additional confusion factor - is this a kid wearing an oversized shirt? Is it a nightgown? Are those granny shoes? None of it matches up in the brain, where preconceived memories are stored. It's very clever.
This is the part of fashion that is "art" -- and that I would love to aspire to myself, but never can quite pull it off. You do so masterfully here.
If this photo was hanging on the wall of an art gallery, I'd stop and linger and admire. Whether I knew you or not.
Okay that was my best shot at trying to articulate what I see, and why I love it!