...and I have been trying for weeks.

I started to post this a few nights ago and something wasn't working. So interesting timing that Angie's scarf post came up the very next day! Anyway, this scarf has been on my mind for weeks.

I keep talking myself out of it because last winter scarves weren't hitting for me as well as they have in the past. I was wondering if I should stop wearing them because I don't really see others wearing them IRL anymore. If I want to wear one, I have an abundance. It's pricey. It ships from England. The intelligent thing would be to not get it.

The only reason to get it...I really like it. I've never seen Navy leopard print before and it feels like a cool twist on a classic. And, after Angie's post, it does check all the boxes for success for me.

If you've succeeded in talking yourself out of something, did you regret it or be glad about it? If you went with heart over head...same questions!