Anchie: your method is fascinating!

Yes, my capsules are based around color. For FW one is black, other gray, and for SS one is navy other white. The third one that I called dressy is actually better called colorful one - this is where I add my favorite colors. So all 3 capsules go together and I usually mix them. Only the forth one that I called casual is really separate and stand alone, used for weekends and traveling.

Thanks for starting this discussion; these wardrobe number threads are always so interesting! I have’t counted mine for a couple of years. What’s hard for me is letting go of things that used to be 9’s and 10’s but have now slipped to 6’s and 7’s...or lower. I want to keep bringing new items in to keep everything reasonably on trend, but it’s not always easy to figure out when to let go of things.

Really good thread. Excellent points. I especially like anchie's spreadsheet with max #s of things and annual turnover, and the notion of a certain fixed number of hangers, which would really help with one-in, one-out.
I would like to optimize my wardrobe further but struggle in these ways:
1 - my 8/9/10s don't seem to stay consistent. Sometimes I think I love an outfit and then I wear it a second time and it slides down to a 5 or 6. I'm amazed at the steady assessment many Fabbers have.
2 - when I did a capsule-based assessment, I think the number of capsule needs I have seem more diverse and numerous than average. I live in a four-season climate, have a range of work clothes needs and a number of outdoor & exercise hobbies. Maybe I just need to exclude all the 'gear' clothes for now to make this manageable. I think I need to sort out capsules and then take a look at numbers. I'll start a separate thread on capsules so as not to threadjack.
Thanks for the insights!

My enthusiasm for maintenance is the indicator for me, not just with clothes, but with everything. If I'm not taking care of it, it should go. Major hints with clothing are putting off repairs or laundering.

Fantastic, Anchie. Thanks so much for explaining! I am learning a lot.

Great thread!

Anchie, I like your spreadsheet and thinking on numbers and capsules. I like the logic and I have wondered to lend structure.

I have started to respond to this thread numerous times, and either get distracted (and lose my answer) or get babbling on and on about my ridiculously huge wardrobe, and realize that this isn't the place. So I think I'll start my own thread about my own issues, at some point.

So, how much is too much? When you realize there aren't enough days to wear all your clothes. When you realize you have only worn your "favourite" pieces a handful of times.

This is me. In particular when it comes to summer, I appear to really like summer clothes.
No number, as I think a number has so many personal variables. Just reality.

Anchie, your capsule approach is really interesting.

Wow, Anchie, you made so logic and simple all this wardrobe math dilemma and you should be YLF awarded!!! You should record a trademark for that!:-)

I have the following,

Dresses - 28
Skirts. - 22
Slacks. - 13
Tops - 15
Shoes. - 9

Whether one has to much all depends on the individual. You can have a huge wardrobe, but if you can afford it, have the storage space and it does not bother you, then it is not to much.

Currently, I am expanding my wardrobe. I would love to double what I have. In the last 5 months my income has increased a lot giving me the ability to afford it. Also, I now have an apartment providing a lot more storage space than in the past.

Over the last 8 months I have become a minimalist in other area of .my life though.

I've been reading this thread with interest! Like what Angie said about serviceable and manageable.
Glad that you are making progress with having a more manageable warrdrobe.

I don’t think there needs to be a finite number of clothing. I agree that if you know what you have and are wearing those items that fit well, are in good condition make you happy then you don’t have too many.
I do think having a 4 season climate will often contribute to a larger wardrobe. I also think lifestyle may be a factor. Much of my wardrobe is work wear. When I retire, a few pieces will stay in my closet, but I will be parting with the vast majority of my wardrobe. I am eyeing only another year or two, more years in education, so really only planning to replace necessary items.

I have 12 black dresses alone. But because of sleeve length, hem length, level of formality and fabric weight, I’ve heavily worn only two of those this spring/summer and anticipate swapping in 2 for mtg /conference season and another 2 for autumn/winter when I can layer heattech shirts and leggings. Agree with others about finding the right metric/measure of wardrobe functionality. Number of items isn’t it for me.

Such a good questions and such a good thread of responses!

I think about this a lot too. Clothes say a lot about us without even realizing it. Do you hoard clothes with an odd fear of parting with that shirt you’ve had for years? For me, clothes are a necessary evil. They can be an expression of my personality or a discouraging factor of my morning when it seems like I have nothing to wear.

Most women love clothes. The style exudes our personalities and the outfit we choose for the day expresses how we feel about ourselves. A baggy sweatshirt means comfort or self-doubt and a cute top with heels means we are confident and ready to conquer the day. Or, sometimes, if I’m having a hard day, I force myself to dress up and curl my hair to will the confidence I need.

Clothes can affect our energy level more than we give them credit. Our day can be transformed when we love reaching into our closets.

I have 5 for mix and match and I can make a lot of fashion styles in it.