Helena, truly, I totally endorse the devil-may-care attitude! The funny thing is this wish for coverage is all me as I am basically at home all the time. I guess I don't want to have to look at my torso in that much detail while sitting in my writing chair haha!

SF, thanks, I'll check those tanks out!

Suz, good advice! As it happens when I took off the white tops the other day I swapped in a lightweight patterned blouse in a similar cut from a similar mall-level store (Gap) that has been in my wardrobe for a similar amount of time as the one you describe! Also per your and others' encouragement I've been wearing my gingham button-up as a top layer quite a bit over the last week, so I'm waving to my gingham sister.

SarahD8, I'm not benched, but what you're serving sounds delicious!

Looks like it's going to be a hot September in Seattle. More heatwaves on the way. And we're usually wearing Fall clothes by Sept 8th.......

Plus we will probably be installing a heat pump and mini splits in three months!!! Money well spent.

Oh yes, if you like your heat pump half as well as we do it will be money well spent indeed!

Stop me if you've heard this, I felt a little silly not knowing, but I found out recently that the cooling provided by a heat pump isn't properly called AC. It's something different that is *much better* for the climate. So we can feel pretty decent about this as an adaptation strategy!

YES! I knew that. Thanks for confirming