I had been thinking I was drifting into higher and higher maintenance mode, so this whole situation has provided a bit of a welcome reset!
In the before times: hair product, blow dry, sometimes a bit of hairspray; BB cream, brow gel, mascara, lippie. Now: air dry hair, lippie if I’m feeling sassy. My eyes are NOT missing mascara, I may never go back!
Lest I sound like some sort of goblin, I note that I *am* showering on the regular and still keeping up with sunscreen and skin care. I have even stepped up the latter (trying new products with DD home from university — yesterday we mixed up an Aztec clay mask, then she introduced me to hyaluronic acid — my skin feels AMAZING!) Now have a bunch of products from The Ordinary on their way. And I got lucky, I got my brows threaded and tinted juuuuust before the salon shut down (as in, they were closing down while I was still at the register!) I may be less sanguine a few weeks from now when brows are no longer on fleek!