Indigoprint, Nurse Hadley seems wonderfully compassionate. I don’t think I’m in a place to consume that sort of content regularly right now, but I’m glad people like her exist.

Suz, thank you for your story of your friend who used MAID. I’m not sure if Kevin will live to see his request borne out, but it would be nice to have family and friends present at the end.

I still appreciate your continued thoughts. This has been a long and drawn out process and I’m quite honestly, more exhausted than I think I’ve ever been in my life. This community has been a solace.

Oh Jenn, my thoughts are often with Kevin and yourself. I don’t know what to hope for except that Kevin is as peaceful as he can be. Sxx

Agreed, Sal. I cannot imagine the exhaustion you are going through, Jenn. Almost inevitably at times like this, you focus on the person in hospice and not yourself. It can be a HUGE adjustment later when you realize that you haven't had time for your self-care in ages. And it can hurt horribly when you realize that it may be a relief to have that time. Even so, I hope very much that you do NOT have that time anytime soon. My thoughts are with you and Kevin. I think of you daily, and I don't even "know" you. Please know that we all care for you deeply.

Oh, Jenn. Sending you my thoughts. This is such a tough road to walk for you and for all who love Kevin.

Hope you are getting much support from the people close to you. Stay strong! Many hugs!!!

Thanks for chiming in, sweet Jenn. I cannot imaging the emotional exhaustion of it all, and my heart goes out to you. I hope you're supported by loved ones who are close by in the best way, and that Kevin feels as comforted as can be. Our thoughts are with you daily, if not hourly. Always here for you. Much love. xo

Thinking of you and sending love. xxx

Jenn, you and your family are in my thoughts every day. Sending you love and support.

Hi Jenn, I was thinking of you and Kevin this afternoon, and wanted to send some comfort and hugs your way. Much love to you both.

Hi Jenn,

Thinking of you and your loved ones, hope you are receiving the support and love that you need in these difficult days.