If there's one thing I love in fashion, it's a reference. A choker to recall The Craft, a little suit to recall The Beatles, and so on.
For a long time now, I have wanted a "Dude" sweater. As in The Dude, Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski. His sweater dominates, along with some sunglasses and maybe slide sandals. His sweater, an earth-color number with vaguely Western and/or Native American design, is so iconic you can throw one on for Halloween and be instantly recognized.
You can actually buy the original sweater, which probably existed before the movie. The company is Pendleton, and it costs $269. I am not above spending that, but I have too many more immediate wants.
Today at Buffalo Exchange (a consignment chain), I wandered around with a haphazard armful of clothes I didn't need, to try on. I mentioned to my friend that I needed a plan--something to look for instead of picking up random things.
"Anything I can keep my eye out for?"
"Yes," I said, "The Big Lebowski sweater."
"Like this?" she said seconds later, pulling it from a rack.
It is not nearly as large as I wanted, and it is not the original, but fans of the movie will instantly recognize it. I also have no light jackets right now, so it can suffice for spring.
The hat is one I got for Christmas from my parents. They thought it was too big, and a fail, but I think it looks like the gaucho styles Bob Dylan used to wear. I still need to wear it out, though.
For non-Americans--
The Big Lebowski is a classic comedy, from the Coen brothers
My title is a play on Highway 61 Revisited (the Bob Dylan album) and the concept of Route 66, the nostalgic highway that winds through the West.
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