Happy Birthday Angie!
While I don't post pictures or participate as much as I'd like - I wanted to be sure to thank you for all that you do here at YLF. You have no idea how far-reaching your posts and comments are. I don't worry (as much) about getting older, I don't worry so much about the fact that my body isn't perfect after losing a whole bunch of weight, I don't worry (any more) about the fact that I have little veins on my legs.
You're not just a fashion stylist - you're someone who makes people of all ages, sizes and shapes feel beautiful. This is your true legacy - making people feel good about themselves while also being able to have fun with style.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday - tons of cake, the best tea and all kinds of love from your friends and family. Sure hope you're spoiled rotten!
Thanks for reaching out and making such a difference - you make so many people feel better about themselves, while also encouraging a sense of style in an incredibly fun and enjoyable way.
Just as an aside - what's your favourite kind of cake? Just curious.
Once again, Happy Birthday Angie! Hope you're totally spoiled - because you definitely deserve it
Editing to add: silly photo of Gus and his friends, captioned:
"It's Angie's Birthday! Rosie says there's birthday cake involved...we're heading on over there now..."
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