Over the last year, I have been trying to find my way with new hairstyles. I started last April with almost waist-length, uncolor treated brown hair, with a small amount of greys. Had it cut to a below chin- length bob, grey covered and highlights. Since then I have just let it grow to just past my shoulders, which is not looking right to my eye.

Anyway, I am in New York City for a few days, and my DH suggested I should get it done here. So now I have an appointment THIS Saturday at the Fekkai Salon on Fifth Avenue. Aaack!!

Please, if you can think of, or post any haircut suggestions, I want to go pretty short, but still feminine. Long pixie? Sideswept? Mohawk? (Just kidding). Give it a whirl!

3 is me now, 1 just after first cut last year, 2 sometime in between, and 4 is the long hair.

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