Very sharp! Enjoying your hair journey. Warm and pretty color and style. Love the 1970 sweater

Your hair looks wonderful and very healthy! Patience is certainly paying off. I can't wait to see the final result in a year.
The neutral outfit is unusual as we are all used to your happy bights, but it is a fun change and it looks very sophisticated.

Love the neutral outfit too!


Nikki, good eye and thanks! Are we born in the same year?

Cardiff Girl, good to know! I've noticed that my light blue specs look better with my darker hair.

Tanya, thank you for being your sweet self! The cream accents and light blue specs add the brightness I need in that neutral outfit

Janet, I much appreciate how supportive you've been throughout my hair journey. Thanks for the very kind words!

How great it is that your natural hair color works so well for you. Love your shopping outfit.

Looks great! I understand about the styling. In my experience, those sort of structured waves are quite hard to achieve. But movie star gorgeous!

Waiting for hair to grow out is not easy, but yours looks so pretty! I also love your colorful outfits.

Looking great, both straight and wavy! Finally out of grow out phase. And I love #7 too but what have you done to Angie ?

Your hair looks so beautifully healthy and bouncy! I love your neutrals outfit--a little quieter than your brights but just as much a visual treat.

You are so disciplined! And gorgeous! The orange and waves are beautiful but I also love the neutrals and straight hair. Beautiful all around!

I love your new hair, you look beautiful. I'm glad you are so honest about the time taken to style your hair, it makes me less jealous of how lucky you are to have such naturally fabulous hair.

What Janet said! The new style is gorgeous on you. Looking forward to seeing it grow the next four inches, too. Patience, indeed!

Looking good! And a great wiw.

Wow! Thank you so much! I'm in awe of your awfully kind and generous words. Appreciate it

It’s sooo cute! I like it!

Wow, killer hair and shop outfit!!!:-)

Hair is gorgeous Angie, very elegant and flattering both curly and straight!! No question that this look has a learning curve and is labor intensive. Did you ever try one of the blow dry brushes? That was a complete game changer for me. You can kind of brush it in all directions and it comes out super sleek and faster for the smooth look. I have no idea why this works so much better than a good blow drier and brush, but I'm hair challenged so it may just be me! Love the outfit. I adore the soft color and textures on you. Fabulous!! Enjoy!!

Looks so cute! Fun to have the option of straight or wavy. And so unusual to see you in all neutrals, love it!

Lovely hair & outfits both ways - straight & wavy, colourful & neutral!

For getting the curls to 'behave', have you tried some of those 'no dent' clips around your face? I usually clip them in whilst my hair is halfway damp, then let it dry whilst I do other stuff (like skincare etc).

I find that (& a dab of mousse) helps to 'train' my fringe not to poke me in the eye lol - it stays that way until the next time I wash it (I'll blow-dry with a diffuser if I want to speed up the process, otherwis it's usually air dried).

Thanks so much, everyone!

Lyn67 and RobinF, you are lovely and I appreciate your kind compliments

Gryffin, I got the same AMAZING dryer that my hairstylist uses, because you can turn off the heat. That's better for my type of hair. It cost the earth even at the wholesale price, but was worth it. I flat iron a few sections for a sleek look afterwards - so those are my tools for now!

Zaeobi, your technique sounds genius! You have mastered disciplining your AWESOME curls!

Your patience has paid off; YLF.