So over this past year I've been trying to rebuild my wardrobe into something that truly represents me and makes me feel happy. So I was constantly frustrated that more often than not I would come home feeling unhappy, uncomfortable and just plain frustrated.

Last night I completely snapped and I took to my closet. I was ruthless and pulled out EVERYTHING that I don't like wearing for whatever reason, no matter how small. I ended up with a pretty substantial pile and my close is now....pretty sparse (strangely I notice I got rid of none of my coats).

I look at this pile and I feel sick. Deep down I feel like I can't get rid of it all. Logically speaking, because I need things to wear! But more than that, it's the guilt over how much money I've spent on things I don't even like or feel pretty in. Some of the things I pulled out are less than a couple months old, or I've only worn once or twice (though of course tags are removed and it's been too long for me to return anything), and I'd say 90% of everything I bought within the last year. I even have the dress in there I wore when my fiance proposed to me last October and I feel absolutely horrible when I look at it for wanting to give it away.

I feel so conflicted. On the one hand I'm tired of staring at a closet full of clothes but constantly feeling like I have nothing to wear. On the other hand, I'm filled with such guilt and shame whenever I look at the pile of clothes I wasted so much money on (or throwing away important memories in the case of my engagement dress). I don't exactly make a lot of money and I try to afford the highest quality that I personally can, so I can't help but feel so stupid for buying things that were such a flop.

I know closet cleaning is highly recommended for everyone, and I wonder if you wonderful ladies would care to share your own experiences??