My dad is retiring this year (yay!), but putting away the dress shirts and suits have made me realize that my dad has a severe lack of good quality casual clothes. My dad is in his early 60s, but has a full head of black hair and can probably pass off as 50. He's pretty easygoing and is the kind of person who couldn't care less about what they wear. His casual clothing generally consists of old, threadbare t-shirts, athletic jackets, khakis, and running shoes. I love my dad to bits, but all 3 ladies of the family agree that it is time dad got a "makeover."
This summer was my first paid job/internship, and as I have been managing my finances wisely over the past year, I do have a good amount of "fun money" (plus I'm sure my sister and my mom would contribute). I want to buy a couple outfits (the whole deal: shirts, pants, shorts, shoes etc.) that can easily last him a long time. We're taking a trip to the States in August and will be visiting malls/outlet malls. As I have never shopped for men, could any of you enlighten me as to which stores to hit up, what to look out for, and what styles/outfits would be appropriate for someone like my dad? I'm currently looking for smart classics that will also be very comfortable. Thanks in advance!