I change bags so often (almost daily), I don't have a regular bag. When I get home, I just toss my wallet and the few items I carry in a basket on a shelf in my kitchen. I guess that basket is my regular purse, lol. Seriously, I agree that a nice bag (or any accessory that's "your thing") can make an outfit. I generally wear very simple, plain clothing and if I didn't carry an interesting bag or wear interesting shoes, I'd look boring.
As far as cost goes, my limit is 20.00 (and that's the high end). I set this limit for myself because I already have so much and it keeps me in check. Besides, the stuff I really like is usually vintage and ya can't just pop into any store and buy it. I have to scour thrift stores and estate/yard sales for my treasures. I've even picked up a few new bags for next to nothing. Just the other evening my poor husband popped into a thrift store with me and they had a ton of purses. I was in there so long, he went back to the car and fell asleep, lol. It paid off, though. I found a new Coach bag for a whopping 2.50. Not a scratch or loose thread on the thing. Who the heck gives away a brand new Coach bag? It looks like this one
I also found a few Granny bags (one is red, white and blue!!! Yay!) and got a light blue Wilson leather jacket (I can't wait for spring) and a navy blue cashmere coat with a fur collar (vintage, in excellent shape). I also collect vintage coats, btw. In total, I got 4 purses and two coats for $21.72. Not bad.
A few years ago, I picked up an off white patent leather Coach bag but it had some dye transfer stain on the back of it. It was only a 1.00 and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do with it. I think I'm going to try dying it a fun color. A bright blue? I would love to do a bright yellow but I think the dye stain would still show. I've been leather dye shopping on Amazon tonight and I'm torn.