I have not yet read the other replies but everyone has a formula of some sort - unless their wardrobe consists solely of closet orphans & statement pieces!

The exact nature of your formula will depend on which parameters you keep constant or not in your closet (the dependent & independent variables, if you will Ok ok maybe I need to lay off my MA readings, now that I'm applying them to fashion lol...) But hear me out!

I like to vary my colours but my silhouettes are much more static (sure, I may have a few wildcards in my closet, but I generally do a cropped/ slim top(per) with high-rise fuller bottoms OR long over lean). So my formula would usually start with the colours I want to wear that day (e.g. neutral + midtone for work VS (neutral/ 2 midtones + pop of colour for less formal occasions).

I'm sure many other people start with the silhouette first, but not me because I know that's not my weakness - instead I have to watch out for my innate need to dress like a colourful, jangling magpie on days when I shouldn't be blinding everyone inside a classroom or constantly clacking against a keyboard whenever I type, lol

Sooo interesting, Zaeobi! I wonder if Angie is a bit similar...she dresses by mood and colour is often the first thing on her mind. Hmmm. Worth pondering....

My wardrobe is more neutrals heavy (denim, navy, white, grey/ silver) and while I respond emotionally to colour and crave it, and keep saying I want to incorporate more into my closet, I tend to use neutral + neutral + ONE colour in almost all outfits except where there is a patterned item that includes more than one colour. But even there, it usually includes my neutral background. Hmmmm.

I think of myself as a true formula dresser because with each season, of which I count at least six, I create a complete outfit that I will enjoy wearing for a couple months, with enough variation provided by color and fabric.

Activity + preferences = outfit

To me, you are more of a "recurring theme" dresser

Phoebe, that is fascinating and an interesting distinction!

So you prepare in advance, and wear essentially the same outfit (or silhouette, I guess? ) for the season! Wow. I'm finding it so interesting how different people manage their closets. I am not that organized in advance....

I’m not sure if I have a formula, unless slim pants and top and cardigan or jacket and shoes counts? I have never got into the wide leg pants and can’t see it happening.
I certainly don’t plan that way. I am much more driven by colour and also comfort. I mostly choose my daily outfit in the morning after my shower, like Angie. Occasionally I think about it the night before.
Do you think I have a formula?

Jenni, that's a good question. I guess in the past it might have been long over lean (if you go by silhouette) or a dress/ skirt outfit.

Another way of thinking of your formula (if you have one) might be eclectic/ interesting shoe plus -- whatever!

I do think you like to include several items with significant detailing in them, so maybe your shoe and a patterned pant or top or a top with some textural interest. That might count as some kind of formula.

I guess even that old mantra: colour/ pattern/ texture/ shine might be a formula of sorts.

Hmmm. It's tricky, right?

I feel like you -- I don't think I have a formula. -- i just get up in the morning and put on what feels best -- but then again, I do tend to wear a few core silhouettes, as Jonesy said she does. The silhouettes do vary over time (in my case) because I like to play with proportions more than colour. I stick with a fairly limited palette.

Thank you Suz! I think your insight into my penchant for detail is absolutely right and I had not realised it myself.
I don’t usually choose the shoes first, although I have sometimes done so. I bear in mind which shoes I am trying to increase wears on. But that’s getting off the topic of formula dressing

I can think of a couple formulas/uniforms I've been wearing a lot this winter.
Jeans, black top, black booties, black leather jacket.
Black pants, black top, snake booties, camel maxi coat.

A typical summer one would be- column of black (dress or sleeveless top + skirt), cognac sandals, cognac bag

Yes it's a lot of black- but I have a variety of silouettes and some of the pieces have texture.
TBH I have not found a non neutral combo that works that well for me lately.


I don’t think of myself as a formula dresser, as I have a large wardrobe and enjoy variety. However, if I sat and looked at a collection of what I wear from day to day, I expect that certain formulas would emerge. I think these sort of unconscious formulas that we may not even be aware of are the key to our fast fallback, tried and true outfits that we can grab and assemble in a hurry. For instance, for me: wide or flare jeans with sneakers or boots, a tee and a jacket, when I want to feel polished and refined but casual.

Ahh, now see your 'neutral + neutral' may be the same as my 'neutral + midtone' (since technically chocolate & camel browns are the only true neutrals in my closet, but I'll pair them with plum/ teal/ orange midtones without feeling that counts as a 'colour'). I have to remind myself not everyone is quite that zany & limit it to just that at work!)

The fact that you don't plan your outfits ahead of time means you have more freedom to frequently change up your silhouettes than I do - I hang my outfits for the week on the back of my door. Even if I don't stick to all of those exact pieces each day (I might swap parts out depending on weather/ laundry etc), I usually don't change the entire outfit on each hook. In other words, the new pieces have to work with what's already there (which usually means it has to fit a predetermined silhouette - unless I have extra time that morning...)