Rambling Ann, thank you for the compliment and your suggestion. I don't think I have a thinner scarf, and definitely no tie. I'm sure it would be a good adjustment to the outfit.
Thank you, Astrid!
JulieJohn, you are too kind, and it is so fun that you liked it. Two minds think better than one, right? I hope Ralph agrees with you
Rute, please do!
Thank you, Ceit, Gennifyr, Rae and Hil!
Unfrumped, thanks! I agree that the emblem is a bit disturbing, but it's part of the look, and now it's actually growing on me. I COULD try to remove the entire pocket, but I worry that I will ruin the blazer by trying, so maybe not.
Sona and Missvee, thank you for suggesting an alternative. I like how the scarf picks up the color of the bag. I could try to "untidy" it more, it would look good - agreed.
Suz, why haven't you? These oxfords are perfect both in color and style for you. I thought Canada was member of the Commonwealth still? I would expect to find easy access to British goods there. If you would give online ordering a try, I'm sure you'll get help with that here, or else I recommend Bell's Shoes in England. They ship internationally, and the prices are good - British VAT is removed on purchase.