Cardiffgirl, only 44 and a half yet And sometimes the camera lies! But thank you

This is so fabulous, so funny yet so real. A lot of us tend to second guess and doubt ourselves, and in so many cases it's just NOT justified! I especially can identity with the one about "not knowing how to dress for your climate" when you've lived in it your entire life. As another northern/cold winter person I'll say that maybe what's really going on is "I'm sick of the way I need to dress to live in this climate". And I love Suz's idea of a big ol' crying/whining session in late March/early April for all of us to vent.

High fiving you and Cancerian DD

Helena, I love the first two necklaces for your style. Maybe you need both! I like the olive branch matching too. It creates a personal stamp.


Yes you do know yourself - your colours and your style.

Rock on.

Thanks all ... Okay northern ladies ... A one week reprieve in "third winter" when the rest of the world's in spring lol!

Angie, thanks for the thoughts! Hmm, maybe one for the midpoint and the second if I make it the rest of the year!!

Your olive branch reminds me of a necklace I've been considering:

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Beautiful, FashIntern!!

Another vote for the olive branch! But want to have my official gripe week end of February

Suntiger, my son will join you--it's already getting to him!

I love thus and decided this is going on my refrigerator.

"Seriously? Put on some lipstick, style your hair and get a grip."

De-lurking to say this is probably my most favorite post ever on this site!

That’s hilarious, Helena! Thanks for the laugh, and I second deb in singling out “get a grip.”

This was so much fun to read! Thanks for sharing!

LOL. Great list that I suspect will be printed and posted on many walls.
I must add for my list: THOU SHALT NOT buy any new items until vacating hangars or shoe spaces for them and taking bags to a thrift store.

You made my day. I can relate to everyone of these.

LOL! Be careful I live near T.O. and would love a reason to go to the big city. I need to repeat #3 daily. And I am always trying to figure out my Kibbe. Really what is the point? I have worn the same clothes my whole life.

Echo Lynn! Definitely ROTFLOL!! Of course, you may break all the rules!! Of course you are entitled to self doubt, bad days, the says of fuzzy socks and bathrobe eating ice cream in bed total entitlement to whine days!! We all are and you are still entitled to the tiffany necklace!! Just remember to tell us you're having the bad day. Then we will sit you down, give you large quantities of sugar, caffeine and cyber hugs and tell you how amazing and awesome you are!! Then when you've gotten it out of your system and surfeit with yummy things and your blood sugar is restored you can go shop the tiffany site!! But dearest Helena, we are all allowed to doubt ourselves but the wonderful thing is no one on YLF will ever doubt you!! Huge hugs!! Stirred hopefully but not shaken!! xxoo

Helena, you are fabulous! I was laughing and nodding my head in agreement with so many of your Thou Shalt Nots. I shall cheer you on, so move forward girl! Step away from the land of I Don’t Knows, Self Doubt and Tears of Frustration. Be brave! Be strong! Be confident! Be YOU!
Dear, Helena, Thou Shalt Not deprive thyself of a lovely Tiffany necklace . They are each so lovely! (Pick the olive branch!)

I have quite a few Thou Shalt Nots.
Thou Shalt Not wait for permission, approval, a special event or the stars to align to wear fancy or expensive items. (Team Wear)
Thou Shalt Not be harsher with yourself than you are with others.
Thou Shalt Not say you have nothing to wear. You have garments, you might not love them at the moment, but please cover thy naked body and go to work.
Thou Shalt Not complete your list on Helena’s post.

Thanks for the laugh, TG!

This is fantastic! I think you need to add gold stars in your calendar today for giving us all a good laugh.

I think we might need (fabulously stylish) graphic t-shirts with "Seriously? Put on some lipstick, style your hair and get a grip"

Oh my gosh ladies ... this thread is a delight ... I am laughing so hard re-reading it all ... I'm sorry I haven't responded to every comment, but I've read them all and you are truly the best and I appreciate everyone who's joined in the fun

, I'm the exact same ... it's like the attached meme, except the emotions are Kibbe and seasonal color types, and the picture is me in a navy and white striped top. Mainelady, indeed we shalt all wear clothes lol!

Gryffin, you always bring the wisdom. I did think I should mention too, in NO way am I judging anyone else for being self-doubtful or going around in circles ... of course we all do it, and the best part about YLF is that we support each other and cheer each other on through it! For me, though, on those particular items it's become a rather tiresome hamster wheel and the only cure is to stop. running.

So this is my attempt to stop running ... and to have a laugh at it all. So glad you all could join me. To Tiffany necklaces, and women supporting each other, and getting a grip (and losing it too!)! What a great bunch. xoxoxo

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Lol Gretchen ... I'll buy that shirt haha!

Spock! Well, he is pretty fantastic IMHO. It works for him.

Fantastic! Helena thou shalt not stop posting your thoughts on the forum because you are a delight! I hear the British influence; Carry on! Big smiles from another Cancerian!

This was funny!

I will NOT be buying clothes, shoes, or accessories. I want tattoos

That Spock meme is like one of those color gradient optical illusions where the color stays the same but the background changes, so it looks like the solid color block also changes. When I look at each face, I swear that they are different!

This is too funny. I rely on my best friend of almost 30 years to gently tell me when I am repeating myself/ whining about the same damn thing AGAIN.

Very funny! So well written Helena. Here’s to limiting/eliminating self-caused stress and anxiety in 2019. I’m with you!

Hi Helena (wow - we are very close in age) I felt a pang when I read this - beeand on YLF forum almost since it began and I KNOW I've revisited stuff!!

Also your reminder about doing hair was a great one for me too!

All the best for getting your necklace!

Helena, you are so much fun! I love this post!

I have different extreme weather - at the end of summer we often get a string of days where the temperature is over 100F - we call it a heat wave. I get to a point where I am so frustrated by feeling like a hot mess. So I just have to remember to read your post, do my hair, put on lipstick, eat an ice-cream and get a grip!

Fabulously written, and it shows that you are very self aware..