Aquamarine, BrieN, Lyn67 and Sterling thank you very much.

Lyn67 , I can't find the link I bought it at shop in the Shopping centre. This is C&A , but now is Fall collection and no more summer.

Oh - all of the outfits are so cute. I love a good bomber jacket (so much so I think I've got about 4 in my wardrobe!). Outfits 1 and 6 are my faves.

Looks fabulous. My favourite is #1, I really love the colour and length of this top with the bomber.

Love it! So beautiful on you and I adore the outfits you've created with it.

Andrea W, Skylurker and JuniperGreen thank you so much for your kind words, I am glad you like it.

Thank you, we do have C&A here, too:-))-just was not visiting it in summer, unfortunately, how sorry I am now:-((.

Yes, Lyn, really what a pity, I bought it at the end of July, I were looking something for my husband and noticed that jacket, it was on purpose , lucky me.

Love this jacket, so fun. My favorites are #1 and #3 but they all work great. I think all the colors make it so versatile.