Lisa, I admit that my bikini and storm cloud metaphors are a stretch........... Both the shirt and jacket are in my color palette. However, they aren't the specific colors I chose for my wardrobe. I limited myself to 6-7 colors to keep things simple, but I stray now and again for variety. The black and white tweed reads as grey which is one of my primary neutrals.
Suz, I may also have slight pear tendencies, or maybe hourglass tendencies. I laugh when I think that I thought I had a pear shape when I first started participating on the forum. How could that even be possible? My jackets have always been a size larger than my trousers!
The puffy sleeves of this shirt do not bother me as much as they seem to bother others. I'm not sure if they seem more prominent in the picture, or if it's an adjustment of the eye? Maybe, I just like this particular silhouette because it reminds me of one of the first sweaters I knit for myself. My father's good friend owned a knitting store and designed sweaters. She designed a puff sleeve pull over sweater with a crew neckline for me. I used a light navy tweed yarn and a popcorn stitch. I loved that sweater. I have always loved puffy shoulders.
Dianna, thanks for your feedback. I like the feminine lines of the SW boots. I have very little black footwear, but I have loved these SW booties. They fit nicely, and I think they create a nice line.
Angie, Thanks for reminding me to do the sit down test with the shirt. I will also try driving my car around the neighborhood. Sometimes raising my arms to the steering wheel isn't enough to judge that an item is going to fit and function well! I move a lot when I'm at work!
If I keep this jacket, I will want a black bootie that is waterproof to extend its wearability. I prefer something more refined and feminine. I may check my local shoe boutique to see if they have their fall shoes out yet. The SW wedges have a limited range of only a couple months because they are not weatherproof.
Banofi, is it the busy- ness of the shirt you dislike, or do you dislike the busy-ness on me? I don't think my frame or features do well with a lot of bold pattern, or maximal anything, although I like maximal looks. If anything, ethereal and light details look best.