After Jonesy kindly shared how she tackles shopping at The Real Real - which is a secondhand market for luxury goods - it's been on my radar, and a fun experience!

A few things upfront:

  • I'm VERY relaxed about it, and keep my expectations low.
  • I shop for items with the tags on that are in pristine condition. So what is known as old "new stock". Never worn. And you can search for items in your size that way, which is very handy!
  • I've tried, and returned a few items. You are out $25 for shipping when you ship and return ($12.50 each way in the US). Bummer. I wish that part were different. It is what it is. It's a gamble.

I bought a pink and orange Jason Wu skirt. It retails for $1200, and I got it for $135. Huge difference! It's a size too big and I could not return it. I somehow missed that part! So I'm having it altered to fit, right now. I think it will eventually fit splendidly, and work well with my new blouse

Sooo, Suz, try TRR for skirts! You will find what you are looking for if you are patient.

Thanks again, Jonesy, for inspiring me