Such a big order came in. I am in a major wardrobe rebuilding phase right now. I decided to break it up into several posts so that it's not so overwhelming.

(1) First, this might sound nutty, but I tried on the Dre jean, and tears came to my eyes. They fit. They are comfortable. They look good, I think. Feel free to disabuse me, but I think they are keepers. I have had the worst time finding bottoms lately, so I couldn't believe it was this easy. (Also note, I am a big Angie copy-cat this year, and I am sporting her beautiful red Madewell pom pom blouse.)

(2) The Paige undone hem jeans in shadow. These were also great. Not quite as comfortable as the Dre, but highly wearable. I'll have to figure out what to do with the hem in terms of length and how to pair it with shoes.

(3) Kut from the Kloth Donna. Okay, so these were not recommended and have no standing compared to the first two in terms of cut or fit, but they are also much cheaper. The thing is I love the color. I might need to be told to let them go. Or to keep them?

Also photo 1 shows the Paul Green booties. They are so much lighter in person. I know Angie said that already, but I was still surprised by how light they were. They are slightly narrow feeling now, but I am sure the suede is going to mold to my foot. I LOVE THEM.

ETA: Adding more pictures of the Kuts. Admittedly not very good pictures. Also, sorry, my kids are constantly smearing all over that mirror.

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