Ditto LaPed, Janet, and Bijou! I don't adhere to a strict budget or track any numbers, but my shopping ebbs and flows based on various factors. Also, my shopping tends to be very seasonal: I buy a lot in the fall and then very little in the spring and summer.

I have a rough idea of what I can spend in a year. Nowadays it's much less than it used to be, and I buy many fewer items. No longer an over grower and pruner like I used to be when I lived in the city and shopped much more in person...it was all good, I had so much fun with it, life is just different now in the country. All my spending was online this year except for a purchase of two pair of Dickies chino's from the hardware store, of all places. In 2022 I only added a total of six items, not including some new underwear. And some were pricey items, but oddly enough, I came in right at budget, though it was not done consciously. I can kind of tell when I go into overbuying mode, and it's not a good feeling to me any more.

Oops, I forgot one, seven new things...and so a little over the rough dollar amount to spend!

I also feel no need to get rid of things lately...I have a small wardrobe and I have more than enough room at the moment.

A little late to the thread, but sadly I'm not that disciplined managing wardrobe.

No real budget is allocated, beyond my sense of what I'm willing to spend on something. I also tend to buy in spurts, sometimes simply because I've been influenced by something I've seen, or there's a good sale on.

My wardrobe has gotten too big in my opinion, I did an actual count and was a bit shocked at how many items I have. I'm not happy about this and feel its time for me to get a better handle on what I'm doing.

A lot of my wardrobe is classics, so they don't date as quickly, and I tend to hang onto them longer, but the recent trend to wider pants has confused me and I've been adding other pieces like tops jackets, shoes in an effort to get it all to work properly, hence my now much larger wardrobe.

I like the idea of limiting my wardrobe to a certain number of hangars, so thats one approach I'm going to take. And I'd like to take an actual inventory of what I already own. I think this type of data would be very helpful in editing my closet as well as assist me in identifying any wardrobe holes.