Oh wow! So many thoughts. Ok, first off, like Jenn I want to know if this move means you are sticking around Canada's west coat. Second, we have a very small garden that was planted by the previous owners of our house, and as much as I enjoy looking and being in it (when there are no mosquitoes around) I don't like to garden and don't. I just thought I should put that out there.
Third, regarding wearing second hand I will wear anything that looks like it is in decent condition except underwear (including bras, socks, etc.). My attitude was partially formed by an unfortunate (for other reasons) association with someone in the "shmatta" trade. The chemicals on your new t-shirt are pretty scary. Things close to the body can be washed - it is actually jackets and coats that are trickier because they need to be dry cleaned usually. This is not to change your mind! Just another bit to think about.
E-bikes are incredibly popular here, only rivaled by e-scooters which are available in Tel Aviv to rent and leave everywhere. (Regular bikes too.) Enjoy the e-bike lifestyle and wear a helmet!

And now, your actual style post. Your style has just been on an incredible upward trend, and I think living in a more wardrobe friendly climate has really added the icing to the cake of your style. I don't know if you are looking for arty - I appreciate arty like Dayle's style the recent blogger Inge featured, but it is not exactly how I see you (or me for that matter). A long time ago Trinny and Susannah put out a book called "who do you want to be today", which I loved. This was probably ten years ago and it really helped me understand a lot of vocabulary and designers that I was clueless about. Anyway, I believe Avant Garde Intellectual was one category. Again, just a thought!
Ok, this is more than long enough! Last thought: absolutely love the photo of you, Angie and Anna!

YES, we are west-coasters. We sold our Ontario house in the summer and moved the furniture into storage. Bought the Victoria house in the fall but have to wait to move there until our teen has finished their year at school. I have a BC health card and driver's licence and I am paying taxes so I guess that means I live here for real!

Jenn- to your point -- my wardrobe feels pretty good for this climate. I think I was always trying to dress for this weather, ha!! In all seriousness...I will probably pare back a bit on high summer and deep winter items over time (but no huge rush...just as things wear out) and I doubt if I will be buying a puffer for -40C again any time soon....but apart from that I do not feel any need to make major changes (or purchases) apart from dedicated capsules.

Shevia...that is interesting info re second hand clothing. I will take it under consideration. And YES -- avant garde intellectual sounds much more "me" than arty. Hmmm. I will have to hunt down that book!! Thank you!

I have always had a love-hate relationship with gardening. As a kid, it was pure love. I had a backyard plot of herbs and veggies and adored tending it. I also liked my little pot gardens when I lived in apartments. But when we moved to a larger house with an extremely overgrown garden in Kingston, I was stymied and stumped; it didn't help that Mr. Suz and I disagreed about what to do and a neighbour constantly came over the fence to criticize and carp at me. I was working full time AND trying to write full time and had 3 step-kids and then a baby...I couldn't manage a big, messy, overgrown garden and had zero interest in trying. Our next house had a smaller patio garden and I liked that -- but when my mother got ill and I had to travel all the time to see her, I hired someone to help me, which was the best decision ever.

We have built in irrigation here. I'll have to weed, as people have pointed out (if I can figure out what the weeds are...) and someone else will cut the grass until I can get rid of it. I loathe lawns for all kinds of reasons, plus I am allergic. Will be looking for some native ground cover instead for the long run.

Your new garden looks beautiful and lush! This could be a joyous new hobby for you. For what it’s worth, my gardening capsule consists of jeans and long and short sleeved tee shirts, all of which have been demoted from other capsules. I get really dirty when I’m gardening, and it’s not uncommon for a shirt to get snagged and torn. Your idea to buy excellent, sturdy footwear is a wise one; you’ll do a lot of walking as you garden.

Get sturdy gardening gloves, too; I quickly wear holes into those thin ones.

Great read! I love your new yard, I am not a gardener myself, hubby does that, but we have had vegetable gardens for years and do better some years than others. I like the fresh veggies but not the weeds I have spent a few days in Vancouver and loved it, so jealous of someone who gets to live there - haha!

Your style works so well for you it is hard to imagine that it needs tweaking but I suppose that's how we stay current. I agree with others that "arty" might not be the right word for your style, I do like "individual" though. Hard to pinpoint I guess.

The only biking advice I might have is I have seen ponchos made specifically for bikers that fit over a backpack and handlebars. I have always thought if I biked to work I would definitely need one of these!

Sounds like you are hitting your stride in your new location! I've bought less this year, too. While I am living more sustainability it has more to do with less income and one (next year, it will be two) children in college!

I do very little thrifting. It requires a bit time commitment and the offerings in size 14 are not encouraging. Still, I like having a pared back wardrobe, except that it is now a crisis when a well-used wardrobe item bites the dust!

I'd encourage a cargo pant for the garden -- lots of pockets are helpful! Here's an interesting post with a link to made-for-gardening clothing. https://homesteadwishing.com/w.....gardening/

So envious of your new climate and locale!! The garden looks gorgeous and I hope you'll start a brainstorming thread for garden gear. I hardly ever buy garden-specific clothes, apart from gloves. When it's cold, I wear old Carhartts or Mountain Khakis and Bogs boots, and when it's hot I wear demoted trail runners and Patagonia Baggies. I have so many grungy old band tees and graphic tees that I save for sentimental reasons; they no longer leave the house but make a fine gardening kit. Duluth Trading Co is worth a look if you want to build a capsule. I want their overalls!

In love with your dreamy garden...it’s beautiful.

Suz, you have your style and wardrobe down to a fine work of art, just like your garden/yard. Your purchases are well thought out and intentional...no impulsive crazy buying going on there. I need some more discipline.

Your highlight shopping with Angie is a dream come true! Lucky girl