Hey all, I have been wanting to try out Sam Edelman's "Felicia" ballet flats for a while and ordered some rose-pink velvet ones in Nordstrom's cyber Monday sale.
I ordered my usual size and a half size up.
My usual size felt really tight when I put them on.
Half size up felt still surprisingly tight and narrow when I tried them on yesterday. Today, after wearing them for a while, they feel incredibly comfortable.
Has anybody owned this shoe and can tell me how much it is likely to stretch?
They feel glorious now but I don't want to return the smaller size and then find that they stretch enough for the larger size to be sloppy.
Photo below. The foot on YOUR left is a better representation of the fit. They actually *don't* gap at the arch as the shoe on your right appears to do -- I think I was turning my foot to the side as I took the photo, sort of a foot version of sticking out one's tongue in concentration, lol! Even with effort, I can't slip them off my heels by flexing my foot (this is a good thing).
I generally think of myself as having low-volume, narrow feet (but I do suspect that the area around the ball of my foot has gotten a bit wider with age).
Thanks for any data points you can share!
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