Yikes! Got distracted by a maximal challenge and a big pair of man pants. That's my affliction in action right there.

Thank you all so much for such a thoughtful and provocative discussion. There's so much here that I want to pick it apart in detail, but I'd be up all night.

Style Fan: I think we have very similar experiences and philosophies about this, which is why your style always resonates for me even though we dress very differently. That's an interesting distinction between creative and emotional shopping.

KG/Sally: good point about hair. It's very easy to underestimate its importance in the emotional equation.

Windchime; it's had to get excited about shopping for certain things, but it's got to be done. I like what you're saying about the positive emotional connections with particular items though. That must be why I have so few jeans and handbags and loads of shoes and jackets.

tulle: that is wise and poetic and insightful and I love the idea that Christopher Marlowe was born behind Woolworth's. I very much agree that we can't afford to loose sight of that magic. Clothing is as important as food and shelter, so fashion at its best should be as rich as architectural design and haut cuisine. And yes, I have thought of writing at least three books on this topic. I even started writing one of them, would you believe. I expect I will to get back to it, or something very like it, at some point.

rachylou: hehe "embarrassment of hipsters" I am so using that from now on! But who are the hipsters? I have a theory that it's all a marketing construct and they don't really exist.

lisap: welcome back! I get fixated on this too so I perfectly understand that need to detach from time to time. But please don't deny yourself the pleasure of intelligent conversation. This is where it's at and you're missed.

Anyway, I'm intrigued by your comment about shopping to fill an emotional need as opposed to shopping to fill a role. I don't think the two need to be separate. (And you give me far too much credit. I have quite a few things from H&M.)

, this is why I think your concept of "organised emotional shopping" is so very valuable. If I've taken anything from that, it's the ability to be organised about the emotional purchases, and emotionally invested in shopping out of necessity.

BrieN: that's the nail on the head, the magic tulle mentioned, and more or less why I started the whole conversation. I guess I'm lamenting that it can feel like such a chore, or be so frustrating and disappointing at times.

Thanks again all. You rock my world.