I accidentally fell into a Nordy's yesterday. Didn't mean to participate at all in the sale, but I'm traveling and found myself with the rare opportunity to browse in person for one hour.

Meant to look for jeans and nothing else, but the denim selection didn't grab me, and these Ecco 7 high tops did. I didn't want anymore black footwear, but I see these as a subtly gleaming gunmetal, not black. That's what sold me, as well as the immediate comfort and perfect fit on my fussy feet. I have lowish arches, wide forefeet and narrow heels, and I walk a great deal. Also, I love that the back of the heel is cut lower on these, because some sneakers with the higher heel cup irritate my tendon back there.

This is day one wearing them, so we'll see how it goes, but I have a good feeling.