Inge, thank you! I am delighted with it. Worth the wait.
Style Fan, your hydro went off???????? OOOOOOOH. Now that is beyond bad. I am so sorry for people in that situation. It is so very cold. But yes, we have the same damp as Montreal here, plus wind (more than Montreal quite often) and the cold temperatures (although usually not as cold for as long).
Rachy, yes, I can imagine -- you don't expect it to be cold in California but it can get awfully bone chilling just the same!
Gigi, puffers are so hard to fit for the petite. I'm not even in that category officially and find many of them too bulky/ loose/ something.
Mac, Anne, Shevia, Staysfit -- thank you! And Gail, yes, those Patagucci down sweaters are the best. Up here we wear them as underlayers.