I was just devastated to learn of Heather Armstrong's death yesterday. I wonder if there are any other fans of her blog, Dooce, among our YLF community? She was considered the original "mommy blogger" but it was not sweetness and crafts, believe me! Dooce was the first blog I really followed, and I fell in love with the style of writing and publishing, the intimacy of blogger and reader, and specifically I fell in love with Heather Armstrong and her headstrong, hilarious, raw and honest way of sharing her life. She, like Angie, posted every single day at the height of her popularity.

Her death, and life, was well covered by many media outlets yesterday. She struggled desperately with depression, which led to alcoholism, anorexia, and eventually suicide. She left behind the two daughters to whom the entirety of her work was a love letter.

I can't find any of her early work online, which is a shame. I had not been following her much in the recent years that she really descended into this dark time, but I read quite a bit of her current writing last night and it was heartbreaking.

She was a beautiful woman, and very stylish. I have a necklace that she wore in one of her posts, from an artist named Kristen at Minoux Jewelry in Portland, OR. It is 5 delicate hoops of silver on a chain. It was called "Circle of Friends" and I gave it as a gift to many friends over the years while Kristen still sold it. It feels symbolic. I just sent a note to Kristen....

Amazing how deeply some people who we never meet can touch our lives. Sending out love and life-affirming gratitude for the YLF circle of friends.